Chapter nine | take that chance?

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Millie's POV-

Millie- "It's been literally two days since I played truth or dare with everyone and honestly I am still very on edge, there is no way I am telling Finn how I really feel now that he likes someone else, who am I kidding, thinking that Finn Wolfhard will like me back, I mean look at me I'm so-" I raged until I was cut off by Sadie who I am talking to on facetime while I comb my long hair.

Sadie- "Millie! O-m-g girl! Listen to yourself! Look, you didn't say who you liked, and neither did Finn maybe for the same reason! Millie all I'm saying is that maybe Finn didn't tell everyone because YOU were there, I really think he likes you! I mean did you even see the way his head shot up when I asked you if you liked someone? It was like he wanted you to say his name! For goodness sake Millie, he was WAITING for you to say his name!"

Sadie went on and on, and maybe she has a point, maybe there's a chance he was talking about me and there's a chance he is just as scared as me to tell each other. A chance, it could be enough but I don't want to take that chance. That Chance can lead to an even bigger risk.

Millie- "Sadie, how can you be so sure, I mean I haven't even talked to him since that-that day. What if it's too late already, I'm never going to be able to tell him I-I It's never going to happen and I just need that to be okay. I really need that to be okay."

Sadie- "Hey I have an idea to get your mind off things, if you're feeling bad just call me, we will go out, I'll even invite Liz, like a girls night, we haven't had one of those in a while, trust me it will be fun!"


Finn's POV-

Finn- "Jack! She probably hates me! I mean I haven't called her, texted her, gosh dang it I haven't even faced her in school since I told everyone I liked someone! I'm scared, everything is different now that I know she likes someone and she knows I like someone. What am I gonna do, I can't call now because she might ask where I've been, and I have been nowhere, just thinking about her, that's where I've been. Or she'll ask who I was talking about that night and I was talking about her, for fucks sake it's her and only her." I said on a call with Jack as I lay down and ran my fingers through my hair and held the phone with my other hand to my ear.

Jack- "You are being way to fucking dramatic. So what if you didn't text her she probably doesn't even realize." Jack said as he rubbed his face.

Finn-"That's the thing Jack, she doesn't realize! Which means she doesn't care which means-"

Jack- "I'm going to stop you right there. You heard with your own ears that she likes someone too, how can you be so sure it's not you Finn!"

Finn- "Beca-because I just know okay? I mean what is the chance that she was talking about me what's to like about a guy like me. I'm no special"

Jack- "Yeah you are, you're funny, and I always hear people say how you're cute and all that and you're tall, there is much to like about you, you just don't see it."

Finn- "Woah there Grazer don't go catching feelings for me." Finn laughed

Jack- "I-what n-no that's definitely n-not what I was talking about I-I meant like in a girls perspective."

Finn- "Uh yeah I know I was just joking Jack."

Jack- "oh yea-yeah I know"

Jack- "Actually Finn there is something I've been hiding and I've been scared to say what it is because I don't want you to judge me..."

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