chapter six | shaking my head!

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Millie's POV-

          The day was almost over. I wanted to talk to Finn today, but I didn't see him at school. I wanted to talk to him and tell him about my day but he wasn't there, was I losing my mind for a guy that didn't even seem to acknowledge me.

Then I thought maybe if he does think of me as just a friend, I should call him first, that's what friends do right? They text. But-I-no I'm doing this I-I have to, to make this friendship last.

So I picked up my phone, put the password in, and went to my contacts, scrolling to find Finn's number. The phone dialed. After a few seconds of anxious waiting, "Hi there, you have reached the voicemail of Finn Wolfhard, sorry I didn't answer your call, I'm probably doing something" He didn't answer me. I feel like a fool. So I just called someone I knew who'd answer, "Hey Sadie."

Finn's POV-

          Oh my god, Millie just called me and I totally just ignored her, I was nervous to answer the phone, but I have to call her back.

So I did, the phone started to ring.

Millie's POV-

          "O-M-G Sadie, I'm going to have to call you back, he's calling! " I said interrupting her and hanging up on her as she said,"Ok good luck Mill-"

Before I answered, I looked in the mirror. "Hey Mills," Finn said as I answered. "Hey Finnie '' I said and we both chuckled. It was silent for a moment, but it was not awkward, it was more comforting since there wasn't anything to talk about except the obvious, Iris. but maybe this was hard on Finn and he didn't want to talk about it.

"Soo...I-uh I broke it off with Iris today, you know after she showed that side of her too you I couldn't-I-I didn't want to be with someone jealous." he said clearing up the silence. "Oh...ho-how are you feeling about it?" I asked him, looking up to his face from staring across the room trying to avoid contact with his brown eyes. "It feels-I mean I feel better because I don't think I knew the real her. I just acted too fast and thought she was what-like that I thought-" Finn stutterd as he continued,"I don't think I ever really liked her, y-ya know?" He finished, looking up to see that I was already looking at him, I didn't even realize I was staring at him until he called my name,"Mills?" I almost jumped. I was in a gaze and totally forgot I was on the phone with him, "uh-Yeah?" I asked, not remembering what he last asked me. "What were you thinking so deeply about" he chuckled awkwardly, trying not to make her feel uncomfortable. "Oh-nothing" I was nervous, I really wanted to tell him how I felt about him. I didn't know if it was the right time, it grew silent. I wanted it to be, I really liked him and I didn't want to wait any longer.

"...Finn?" I said thinking fast about what I was gonna say. "Yeah Mills?" he asked me, making eye contact. "..Finn I-I lik- I li-...never mind" I hesitated and blushed, I didn't finish and tried to ignore what just happened, "I'm just, I'm just really glad we are friends, like thank you, really, your easy to talk to and-" Finn cut me off, "Millie, you have got stop thanking me every time we talk" he gave me a cute smile and continued "it's just what friends do, and yes I'm so so glad we are friends too" he finished. "Good" I said, trying to hold back my awkward smile. "You know what's crazy Finn?"


"I mean like how did we become so close? If you think about it, our toxic relationships created a new friendship, and that-well that is crazy." I said laughing trying to sound like it was a cool statement.

"That's what you call destiny, you know maybe the world put our friendship together so that we could... save the world!" Finn exasurated, "You know mayybe we will do something so crazy we will win a prize!" we laughed. "Millie!! We are going to win a prize! What do you think it's going to be?" Finn said jokingly. "Well I think it will be a car... you know like the ones they win in game shows?" I said playing along with his imagination.

"Well if we do win that car someday... I want it." he said as a matter of factly. "Woah! hey! hey! hey! No! Listen Finn, Our friendship means myyy car!"

"Okay mills, whatever you say." Finn said as he put his hands up in surrender.

Noah's POV-

          "Yo Caleb, I need to talk to you." Noah said and Caleb answered the phone.

Caleb- "What's up man."

Noah- "You know how Finn and Iris just broke up. Well I'm not one to go after my best friends ex but I'm kinda into her."

Caleb- "Noah! Are you serious dude, that's so against everything you stand for by going after Finn's ex!" Caleb shook his head.

Noah- "Caleb, You know what I stand for better than I know literally how to stand. What should I do!"

Noah- "wait why did they break up? Maybe Finn didn't like her so he doesn't care if I ask her out."

Caleb- "that would be one of the better options on why they broke up but come on dude there's no chance that's the reason they broke it off and even if it was how would you explain every lunch period in the janitor's room? They weren't just talking man! They liked each other, only people who like each other make out every day!"

Noah- "ugh just give me reasons why you think it's a bad idea. Maybe I will change my mind."

Caleb- "Okay fine. You know how I'm with Sadie, well think of it as if you and Sadie were dating and then broke up and I immediately asked her out. That sure wouldn't make you feel okay would it?"

Noah- "first of all you sound like my mom and second we are bro's, I would support you with my ex"

Caleb- "Noah all I'm saying is that I don't think it's a good idea, maybe you should talk to Finn first, orr a crazy idea is that you just pick someone else, there are plenty of fish in the sea"

Noah- "you know you are really no help at all right?"

Caleb- "Dude give it up already, good night!"


Hey guys! I am really sorry I haven't updated in so long...I have been busy and I hope you liked this, I'm not sure if you guys enjoy reading this but it will get better. And I will try my best to update more frequently.

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