chapter sixteen | remember me

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Finn's POV-

Its time, after school jack dropped me off at my house, I put my bag down and walked to the door, with my hand on the doorknob ready to leave, I stop. What the hell am I going to say to her. I turn the knob and get in the car, I don't go anywhere. I just sit there. "Hey millie can I talk to you?" I practice in the car mirror. "Ew is that really how I look when I talk" I insult myself and scoff. "Fuck it." I put the keys in and hit the gas.

I'm almost at her house when a stop sign comes up, I'm still practicing what I'm going to say and I completely miss the sign, as I'm driving across the intersection a speeding car comes racing at me, my life flashed before my eyes and before I know it my sight becomes black.


Two days later

Millie's POV-

I slept over Sadie's house again. "I can't do this anymore." I rant to Sadie. "Can't do what anymore." Sadie asked confused. "I need Finn. I need to talk to him, make sure he's okay, it's been days and I miss him so much!" I rap my face between the pillows that lay on her bed. "That's it I'm kicking you out." Sadie says as she starts gathering all my stuff, I look at her confused. "Kicking me out?" "Yes, go, and I don't want you to come back until you talk to Finn. It's killing you and its killing me seeing you like this, now go and make things right with him, please." Sadie said as she finished grabbing my stuff and placed it all in my bag. I sigh and take my bag that Sadie is handing me. "A-Alright. I'll go to his house. Should I text him? Make sure he's home? Wait what if he's not home? Where do you think he would be? With jack? Then what? Should I text jack?" I rambled because of nervousness. "Millie! Just go!" Sadie said, a almost laughing because of my craziness. "Listen take a a deep breath, you got this, all your doing is talking to him. Simple enough" Sadie rubs my should as she opens the front door. "Couldn't be easier." I say sarcastically as I leave the red haired girl and get in my car.

When I make it to Finns house I stop nervously. Thinking of what to say. I ignore my overthinking thoughts and look to the driveway, his car isn't there. But his parents car is? Where is he? With hesitation I walk up to the front door anyway, and knock on the door nervously. Finns mom, Mary, answers. "Uh hi Ms. Wolfard, is Finn home, I would really like to talk to him." I said, while fiddling with my hands. "Oh millie right?" Finns mom says, she looks so tired like she's been up for days. "Yes." I chuckle slightly. "Millie honey. there's something I need to tell you." She began almost nervous to go on. "Is everything okay?" I ask even more worried. "Finn texted me while I was at work, two days ago, I believe he was going to your house, he sent me a text saying he was, anyway on his way there he missed a stop sign and- well he had an accident." My heart dropped. Is he okay. Finn, oh my goodness is he a-alive. terrible thoughts filled my head as she continued. "He crashed, Finn is in the hospital now, I was there all day and night for the last two days, the doctors say he will be waking up soon so I came home today to bring some of his favorite things, headphones, and all that." She finished, I was still in shock this is all my fault if I didn't leave him he wouldn't of crashed. "Ms. Wolfhard, is it okay if I come with you to the hospital." I ask and not noticing a tear roll down my cheek until Ms. Wolfard gives me a sad look a wipes it with her thumb. "Of course Millie."

After gathering Finns stuff me and Finns mother Mary drove to the hospital. When we got there she told me if I wanted to go in by myself it was perfectly fine so I did as she waited in the hall.

Millie's POV-

"FINN!" I run over to him, his eyes are closed and his head had a bandage on it "finn..." my eyes water as i look at the brown haired boy and I place both my hands on each of his cheeks "please finnie wake..." up a tear rolls down my cheek "common Finn wake up I need you..." I'm sobbing then I see his eyes start to open butterflies enter my stomach and I'm nervous "Finnie? It's Millie are u okay, can u answer me I need to hear your okay." I ask wiping one of my tears off of his arm that dripped. "Mom?" He asks unsure of who i, with almost a morning voice that's hurting. "No no it's millie yo-your friend, d-do you remember me?" I ask nervously still trying to get words out of my crying self. "I'm sorry who's Millie why are you touching me please leave, I don't know you!" His mom runs in and gives me a look a look that says you should go. "I-I no he has to remember me! He has to!" My knees give out and I drop to the floor. And cry, I've never felt the pain so bad in my life, my Finn, he doesn't remember me? I rush out of the hospital room and sit in the waiting room staring into a blank space. Will he ever remember me? My love.

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