chapter fifteen | do I need to slap anyone today?

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Millie's POV-

"So how was it today? Is there anyone I need to slap?" Sadie asked as we walked in the door of her house, we walked home together and I'm spending the night. "No." I said, almost disappointedly as I sat on her bed and she went into her bathroom. "Why do u sound like that's a bad thing?" Sadie said through the bathroom door. "I don't know it's just, I took Finns advice and ignored them, and it worked." I said. "I still don't see how that's a bad thing." Sadie said coming out of the bathroom and sitting next to me. "It's bad because he was right, that they would be gone if I just ignore them, and now I feel like I dumped him for nothing." I said. "You did what you thought was best, why don't you talk to him, I bet he would love to hear from you." Sadie said it like it was easy. It is not easy. "Sadie I can't just do that." I said frowning. "Yeah you can, you miss him don't you?" She said. "Yes, so much." I say honestly, while Sadie was on her phone. "Who are you texting?" I ask. "Finn." Sadie says. "WHAT!" My face was shocked, she can't text him, what if he asks her where I am, oh my god! "Calm down I was joking! I'm texting Caleb he just sent me this love test." Sadie said it like the love test was a stupid joke and showed me her phone. "Love test?" I ask curiously. "Yeah it's this dumb test you take to see if your in love." Said rolled her eyes. "Oh, so are you in love with him?" I ask, intrigued with the idea of the whole thing. "Oh yeah totally." Sadie said sarcastically, as she showed me the love score was 4/5 in love, she rolled her eyes again. "Hey maybe you should take it." Sadie said. "What why would I do that?" Though I secretly wanted to. "Yeah take it, see if your in love with Finn! What's the worst that could happen, it's just a stupid test." Sadie said handing me her phone, I looked at it. Alright let's do it.

Question one: what is your name and your crushes name?

Millie Bobby brown. Finn Wolfhard.

Question two: how often do u think about your crush?

[Not often]

[Few times a week]

[Every day] ✔︎

Question three: Do you get nervous around them?


Question four: if you had to choose between being with your crush or meeting your favorite celebrity, what would you pick?

My crush.

Question five: do you love them?


"Sadie this is a love test so why are they asking me if I love him! I thought they were supposed to determine that!" I whined. "I don't know just write what you think, do you or don't you?" She said, I sighed.

Do you love them?


Congratulations! You are 5/5 in love!

"Sooo? Are you in love with Finn?" Sadie laughed. "5/5!" I answered like it didn't bother me. "Wow me and Caleb both got 4/5! You must really be!" Sadie joked. I stayed serious. "Don't take it too heart mills, only you can decide if your in love with him." Sadie said with her eyes closed."Y-yeah I know." I said laying down next to Sadie who was trying to fall asleep it was already 1 in the morning.


It was now 3 in the morning and I still haven't fell asleep, I couldn't. I was still thinking about the test, 5/5 in love. It didn't mean anything so why was I still thinking about it. It's really driving me crazy. Finn. He's all I'm thinking about, So I go downstairs and grab a glass of water from Sadie's kitchen, when I finish drinking, I put the cup in the sink when I turn around, it's Sadie. "Why are you still up?" She asks rubbing her eyes. "I was just drinking water." I said, wife awake. "what are you thinking about?" Sadie asks with her eyes squinted. "N-Nothing, why?" I said. "Um girl, we have had over 100 sleepovers and you always fall asleep and stay asleep, this is the first time I've

found you up, Why shouldn't I be concerned?" Sadie said. "Your being over dramatic. I can't drink water?" I say walking back to her room and laying down. She follows. "Alright well goodnight." Sadie says and before she closed her eyes, "wait" I say. "I knew it! What are you thinking about?" Sadie asks I sigh. "I believe it." I say. "You believe what?" Sadie asks. "The test, it's right." I say. "Millie I told you not to over think it, it's just a dumb test-" Sadie says but I cut her off. "Sadie, I don't care what the test says, I do! I love Finn! I love him so fucking much!" I folded my arms, Sadie's eyes widened in shock and I sat there in deep thought. "So you really love him?" She asks. "Y-Yes." I say, truthfully. "You have to tell him Millie." Sadie said. "What no I can't! Not after what I did to him! He probably doesn't even like me anymore." I said. "Love only comes once in a lifetime Millie, you decide how you want to go about it." Sadie said as she closed her eyes.


Next day at school

Finn's POV-

I got a ride from Jack this morning, since Wyatt was sick he offered. "Jack I haven't slept in days I miss her so much what do I do?" I moaned to jack who was driving. "I think you should talk to her. Tell her you don't care if she doesn't love you back just tell her you need her or something." Jack said. "Is it really as easy as your making it seem, I mean I was the one who walked out so I should be the one to talk to her but she did kinda dump me ugh" I sigh. "Maybe you should go to her house after school. Talk to her there, one on one." Jack suggests. "I don't know Jack, will it make me seem desperate?" I asked. "Yeah." Jack says. "What!" I say. "I'm joking dude, go get her alright? Promise me you'll get her back? It's meant to happen, I know it." Jack says with a tap on my back. I nod.

I walk into school and immediately see Sadie and Millie walking, I'm about to pass by her, I decide to smile, knowing myself it was probably the most awkward smile ever, but since I'm trying to make things right I have to go little by little.

Millie's POV-

Ok so I don't think Finn is upset at me. He smiled at me, and god have I missed his smile, I of coursed smiled back but I guess I was in my own world because I dropped all my books right after. "Oh my god millie, one smile and you loose your shit." Sadie says lowly so no one hears and she laughs. But then Finn walks over and helps pick some up. "Uh I- here you go." Finn says as he looks me in the eyes and hands me my books, when I reach over to grab it my hand touches his and I flinch making the books fall over again, my face turns completely red, "oh my god sorry I-I got it." I say as we both grab the books again and they are back in my hands. Me and Finn hold eye contact for a few moments, "Uh-thanks." I say breaking the silence. "No problem" Finn says turning around and running his hand threw his curls. I smack myself in the face, "wow that was so cringy to witness." Sadie says. "Don't rub it in." I say with my eyes still wide open and my face still bright red.

Hey guys im not dead and im so so so sorry I haven't updated for like a month now but sadly this book is coming to an end. I am not really motivated an have no new ideas with the book so there will probably be only one or two chapters left, then I can start publishing my new book that im really exited for! thank you if you even still read this see you next chapter <3

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