chapter thirteen | hideaway

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Millie's POV-

"Finn we can't be together" my eyes watered and Finn looked like he just broke into two. "W-what n-no don't say that M-Millie" Finn tried to take my hands but I pulled away. "Finn please don't make this any harder than it is, just face it, soon I'm going to be the schools slut and your not going to want to be with me, it will be too embarrassing and I don't want that for you so if you will please just leave-" I said now crying. "No Millie I won't let this happen, it's not fair, they are just jealous, that shouldn't mean we have to be apart, I don't care what they say it's not true and we know it, please millie just don't leave me, I need you" Finn finally was able to get me into his arms, I cried, I was so embarrassed, why do I always fucking cry. "I won't leave you Finn I'm sorry" I hugged him even tighter, "please just trust me I won't let them talk to you like that or do anything to you" Finn said as he wiped away my tears with his thumb. "Promise?" I asked with my shaky voice. "I promise Millie." Finn said, giving me a small kiss on the lips. "We are going to get through this okay?" Finn said in a reassuring voice. "As long as I'm with you we can." I said hugging him tighter. "I don't want to go back to school" I cried, "hey do you have popcorn?" Finn asked randomly. "W-wha-yeah why?" I said. "Millie,will you go on a date with me, right here right now" Finn asked me. "W-what why? well yes but huh?" Finn laughed, "first because I never took you on one yet and second it will take your mind off things." Finn answered as he dragged me to the kitchen and I took out the popcorn and handed it to him then he put it in the microwave, "Millie what's your favorite movie?" Finn asked me as he took my hand and spun me around like a ballerina as we waited for the popcorn to be done. "Uhh Ooo I know I really love the notebook!" I said so excitedly. "Then we will watch the notebook!" Finn said as the microwave dinged and we made our way to the couch, I got pillows and the softest blankets. Finn put on the movie and again he took me into his arms while we watched and ate popcorn.

"You are, and always have been, my dream."

"This is my favorite part!" I whispered and Finn smilied. "Millie you are my favorite part" Finn said sweetly. "Awe finnie!" and then the lovers in the movie shared a kiss as well as Me and Finn.


Finn's POV-

Before we knew it it was 9:00, the movie finished a while ago and me and Millie just talked until I noticed she was starting to fall asleep on my shoulder, so I just stroked her hair until she fell asleep, she is so beautiful, after about 10 mins I noticed she was shaking in her sleep I gave her arm a shake, "Millie? Are you okay? Mills w-wake up." I whispered until she opened her eyes and started breathing heavy and looking all around her really fast, "FINN!" she was scared, "Millie? Millie? your okay, your okay I'm here It's okay what happened?" I pulled her closer and rubbed her back, "you had a bad dream, it's okay I'm here tell me what happened." "O-oh my gosh F-Finn..." her eyes started to water. "Y-you" she started. "M-me? It's okay millie W-what did I do?" I didn't know what I did, I saw fear in her eyes, "you hurt me I-in the d-dream you were mad you started to scream y-you tried to-" "it's okay millie it's okay it's not real it will never be real calm down I got you." I didn't know If I was helping I still saw panic in her eyes, "I think you tried to kill me, I-I was running so fast I couldn't get away you got me finn" she cried, tear after tear rolled down her cheek. "No I have you now the dream wasn't real, I won't ever hurt you, I would never hurt you Millie, but I think I know why you had that nightmare." Finn said, rocking her back and forth slowly. "W-why, F-Finn I was so scared I'm so stupid I thought-thought it was real, I believed it was real, I'm so sorry" I wiped away her tears, "it's okay millie it really is, you only had that dream because of what happened today, and you imagined me because I'm with you now, but bad dreams don't come true, only good ones, you have nothing to worry about Millie." I assured her that. "You-your right I-I'm just stressed, I've been worrying too much about what happened at lunch when I should be enjoying this with you, why does everything bad happen when we are together?" She sighed. "Not always bad, I had a lot of fun today, did you?" I asked. " how could I not" she smiled and then her smile made me smile, "Millie you have the best smile" "thanks Finnie-wait it's dark outside? w-what time is it?" She asked, getting up and quickly folding the blankets. "Oh I don't know around 9:30" I said running my hand through my hair "shit" she started cleaning up all the mess really fast,"what are you doing?" I was confused. "My dad is about to come home in like five minutes" she threw a pillow at me,"help me clean up!" I looked around at the mess we made,"we only watched a movie. How the hell did it get so messy?" We both laughed. She took my hand and pulled me off the couch and I went to the kitchen to clean up all the popcorn when the door started to open, "shit! Finn follow me, quick!" She took my hand and we ran up the stairs to her room. From downstairs I heard "hey millie million! I'm home!" Her dad called up to her. "goodnight dad!" She yelled downstairs. "Going to sleep already?" Her dad asked. "Yeah I'm tired from school, I'll see you in the morning love you!" Millie ended the conversation, "Millie million?" I laughed at the nickname her dad calls her. "Yup I'm like my dad's best friend. So if he found out I have a uh-boyfriend he would ya know probably kill you" millie said like she was scared to call me her boyfriend. "So then how am I gonna leave?" I asked because I was basically a hide away in her room. "Yeah so my dad usually stays in the living room until my mom gets home at like fuck u but the thing is as you could see my living room is right by the door and he would definitely see you so I guess you have two options either you climb down my house out of my window or wait till my mom gets home and they go to sleep, which one will it by wolfhard?" I looked out her window and saw it was way far down and there was no way I wouldn't fall, "I pick the one where I won't die right outside your window" I said sarcastically, it made her laugh. "Good choice, or is it just because you want to spend more time with me?" Millie jokes. "Alright you got me!" I put my hands up in surrender and took millie and spun her around in my arms. "Oh my goodness Finn!" Millie laughed. "What, you don't like it?" I asked. "No!" She giggled, I stole one more kiss from her.


About an hour later

Millie's POV-

I yawned, "ahh what time is it?"

Finn answered,"10:47, are you tired of me yet?" Finn laughed. "Oh never!" I said sarcastically to test him. "Aww you are tired of me?" Finn was acting sad. "Oh Finn, what am I gonna do with you?" I shook my head and we chuckled. "Well you could kiss me-" Finn took my hands. I slapped them away, "hey! watch it wolfhard!" Millie said a little too loud, "what was that Millie?" Her dad asked from downstairs. "Oh shit" Finn whispered. "Nothing dad! I was just-watching Netflix?" I said more like a question because I made it up off the top of my mind. "Are you sure? That sounded like a question and I thought you said you were going to sleep?" He sounded like he was getting suspicious. "Everythings fine dad!" I panicked. "You sound unsure I'm coming upstairs." Her dad said. "shit Finn hide!" Her room door opened as her closet door closed where Finn hides and I grabbed my laptop and clicked on Netflix. "Was everything okay at school?" He asked right when he walked in the door. "Everything's fine dad, see you worry too much" I said trying to stay calm as I looked back and forth at the closet. "I just want to make sure your okay because I love you" "I love you too dad, there is nothing to worry about" "alright Millie I had a long day at work I'm gonna go to sleep when your mother gets home tell her I went to bed" "alright dad love you goodnight" "night Millie" and he left "Finn! the coast is clear!" I whispered to him as I opened the door to the closet, "do I have to go now?" Finn said with puppy dog eyes. "Hey hey hey don't give me those eyes, they are gonna make me want you to stay here forever." I said. "Is that a bad thing?" Finn asked. "Sometimes." We both laughed. "Okay Millie I'll pick you up tomorrow and if anything happens you come to me right away okay?" Finn said like an overprotective parent. "Yes dad" I said sarcastically. "Don't push it brown." Finn said as he gave me the thousandth hug today. "Night millie" "nighty night finnie" And with that he left my house quickly and quietly and I blew him a kiss from my window when I saw him pass he caught it and put it in his pocket. 

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