Chapter 10

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A/n:  I forgot to update last week so expect another chapter to be posted soon. As you're getting two chapters this week! Since I feel bad for missing last week. Anyway! Enjoy the update!

Gif found on Giphy 


Everyone's now sitting back in their original seats, getting their lunch out to eat. Expect for Bender and you. Bender is walking around, judging what the others have for lunch. While you are sitting down, without food since you left home as quickly as possible in the morning to avoid contact with your mother. Resulting in you forgetting to bring food.

You regret your actions now as you feel hungry. You give a deep sigh for your dumb actions. But, there's nothing you can do now. So you decide to watch Bender in hopes it'll help you ignore your pain.

" What's in there?" Bender asks Claire as she takes her lunch out of a shopping bag. "Guess, where's your lunch?" Claire asks as she places the item on the table. After placing her bag away she opens her lunch box. "You're wearing it", Bender replies with a smirk. "You're nauseating", Claire deadpan.

You give a humourless chuckle at Bender's words. 'So much for us being best buds' you point out bitterly. Only to frown at your comment. '...ew, since when did I care about him? I mean he's cute but... Nah, that could never work long term...maybe a fling? That could work' You ponder. Debating over whether to form a relationship with Bender.

You get taken out of your thoughts by the coke that flies past your head. You watch how it heads towards Allison. Who catches it without even looking up. You nod your head impressively. Turning around in your seat to see Bender holding a coke. He points it at you with a questioning look. You nod your head and open your hands. Silently telling him to throw it at you. Bender smiles as he tosses it towards you.

You caught it with ease and quickly open the can. Taking a slip. 'Guess it's coke for lunch' you thought as you lean in your chair. Watching how Claire is setting up a sushi platter. By poring soy sauce into a separate dish and get her choke sticks ready to use.

"What's that?" Bender question.

"Sushi" Claire clarify.


"Rice, uh, raw fish and seaweed."

"You won't accept a guys tongue in your mouth and you're gonna eat that?" You almost snort your coke from Bender's words and how disgusted he sounded. You place the drink away as you silently cough. "Can I eat?" you hear Claire whine. Annoyed at Bender. ": I don't know...give it a try..." Bender shrugs as he walks away from Claire. Moving down the table to watch Andrew as he takes his lunch out of a giant brown paper bag.

Everyone watches in amazed as Andrew takes out two sandwiches, a big bag of potato chips. Before debating if he should until he decides he will, pulls out an apple and a banana. Along with a bag of chop chip cookies, with a carton of milk to wash it all down.

Andrew crushes the brown bag, so he can place it anyway, only to freeze as he notices everyone is watching him. Catching Bender's eyes, Andrew aggressively ask;" What's your problem?". Bender shakes his head and continues his travel until he reaches you.

"Where's your lunch?" Bender asks as he inspects the empty table. Just as you lean back in your chair. Taking a long sip of your drink. Where you release a satisfying grasp as you give Bender a smug grin. "Right here", you lift the coke up. "You didn't bring any food?" Bender asks with a frown. If you were anyone else, Bender probably would have smirked at your actions or joke about you becoming acholic by doing that.

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