Chapter 11

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A/n: Okay, before you question me. I've looked it up and Mcdonalds was a thing since 1955. This movie was set in 1984. So, I believe that counts! So please, pretty please! Don't come at me! Just let me write my dumb joke. Thank you.

Also, I feel like the chapter is bad. SO, sorry about that >.<'

Both gifs are found on Giphy. 


You and Bender have been sitting up on the stairs for a while now. Enjoying each other's company. The bag of cookies layaway, empty and forgotten as you and Bender joke about. Sharing stories of pranks and shenanigans you've pulled during the week. You even earn some praise from Bender for one of your pranks.

Something you didn't expect that'll make you so flustered.

Currently, you and Bender are sitting in peaceful silence. The one where you don't feel inclined to fill with small talk or feel awkward just being in it. The one where you can calmly relax knowing the other is next to you. That is until Bender taps on your shoulder as he gets up.

"Hey, come on" Bender commands softly as he holds his hand out for you to grab. "Where we going?" you ask as you accept his hand. Bender pulls you up to your feet and begins going down the stairs. "You'll see" Bender comments with a knowing smirk.

" I hope we're going to McDonald's. I'm in the mood for (Food)" You joke as you follow Bender. Still holding his hand. Bender chuckles at your answer. He pauses on the steps, causing you to stop as well, as he turns to face you. "How about some weed?" Bender asks as he looks up at you.

You would have taken this moment to appreciate how close Bender is. Looking up at you since the steps allow you to be higher. You would have noticed how his hair fell, framing his face nicely. Or how close his lips are to yours. But you didn't as you're taken aback by Bender's answer.

"I-" you begin, yet stop as you question if Bender's joking or not. Only to then question if you're okay with tagging along with that. "...I mean that works too?" you answer unsurely. Bender laughs at your confused face. Letting go of your hand as he continues his path to the door.

You quickly shake your head and follow behind Bender. You ignore how the others watch Bender waiting for you to catch up before you both go to the library door. Watch the strange interaction curiously. Wondering what you two are planning. Once you both stand next to the door, you could faintly hear Vernon say something on the other side. Bender turns to you with an amused smile.

"What, never try weed before?" Bender teases you, hand resting against the door. Continuing the conversation you were having on the stairs. "Dude, I only just started my rebellious streak two weeks ago. What do you think?" you deadpan with a roll of your eyes.

Your answer cause Bender's smile to widen. " Then allow me to formally welcome you to the bad side," Bender said as he opens the door. As if he's actually welcoming you to the other side. You snort at the action. He's so dramatic you comment to yourself as you follow Bender down the halls. Just as everyone in the library follows close behind.

As you walk down one of the many white hallways, you quickly glance over your shoulder to see everyone behind you. With Brain and Andrew behind you and Allison at the very back. Before you could question where Claire is, you feel someone bumping against your shoulder. You turn towards the person who've done it. Only to find Claire. Who has wormed her way in between you and Bender.

"How do you know where Vernon went?" Claire asks Bender innocently.

"I don't" Bender answers blanky.

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