Altiairs Story

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As you may know I've been asleep and away from everyonce since Malik's dark magic was transferred inside of me. For everyone else I'm sure it felt like 4 months, but for me it's felt like forever.

The dark magic inside of me has been itching to be used so much that It's become painful but, I have been holding on the best I can. Its been causing for me to see things while I sleep, and have hallucinations and false premonitions that are rooted in my deepest fears.

I've seen visions of me and everyone that I care about dying in different ways each time. Its been driving me crazy and made it even harder to not wake myself up.

If that's not enough to deal with I've also had Malik somehow coming to me by entering my mind and taunting me. He's also been trying to make me wake up. When he comes to me its almost as if im not sleep, it feels so real. The thing is though, I still don't know what he looks like because I only see some weird dark cloud. It's usually all black unless Malik comes to me or im dreaming.

I think it he's able to do this because it is his magic thats inside of me, his spirit must be so strongly connected to it that he can attack my subconscious and manipulate my mind. It explains why the magic makes you evil and wanna do bad things when your awake. Its his influence and aura, I guess thats how strong his magic is.

While I've been sleep, I've gotten all of Rauz's mental messages so I know everything that has been going on. Although I haven't gotten one in a minute it feels like.

Last I heard they had a run in with some werewolves at a school and they were planning to investigate it.


It was all black for me with nothing going on until that silence was interrupted by me being pulled into a mysterious foggy room.

"Okay Malik, what do you want now?" I snapped knowing it was him

"I should be asking you that, your sleep all alone while your little family's fighting for their lives" Malik said in a deep raspy tone.

"They can handle themselves!" I assured him

"Im sorry, I forgot to mention that those werewolves have my aura on them, meaning the only thing that can truly harm them is Weir magic and vampires" He bragged

"How the hell do you know this?" I asked

"Well once someone says those magic words, I become a part of them, so that they can serve me in doing whatever I want. I contact them through my aura so I know every little thing they do" He let out a sinister laugh "In return I gave them and their pack my aura"

"What magic words?" I asked suspiciously ignoring all the other things he said

"Une partie de toi est moi" I didn't recognize the spell because that was a different type of magic.

"Malik what are you? Or are you still not going to tell me" I asked

"I told you, I am everything" He replied in an evil tone "See, I know you and your little group of witches wont obey me, which is a shame considering how powerful you all are, we'd make a great team Altiair"

"I'd never be on the side of someone like you, someone who only wants to be obeyed! Someone so evil" I snapped

"Then you will die as well, as soon as I get my magic back from you" His tone was calm

That sent chills down my spine, I didn't even know how to respond.

"So, what does it take to wake you up?" I asked "I mean im sleep, its not like I can stop you"

"Thats the thing, you being sleep is what's stopping me" He replied "I didn't expect you to do that, thats why I've been coming to you and trying to convince you to wake up but, your too strong minded, you've fought well"

Im sure my face was full of confusion, I didn't understand what that meant.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Well, its a process" He began "First, there has to be a transfer of my magic to a powerful witch, and Kane did that for me. Secondly, there must be a sacrifice from my bloodline which was Kane, After that there needs to be a resurrection done using my magic, in which you completed on your friend, and lastly my magic needs to be taken out of you. It must be in that order for me to wake, and then the magic goes back inside of me, stronger than ever"

"So that means... all the steps are-" I stuttered "All the steps are almost complete"

"Yes, But the problem is that because your sleep, my magic is naturally cloaked and we wont be able to find your body until you wake up" He replied "That's why im gonna make your witches so terrified, that they'll have no choice but to wake you"

Hearing that angered me so much, thinking about how him and Kane perfectly planned this. Kane knew all the steps and manipulated me into helping him complete them.

"I won't let you do this, even if I have to use your magic to kill everyone working for you" I snapped "Even if I have to sacrifice myself"

"Haha, Altiair I cannot die, my magic and my aura won't allow it" He said clearly amused "Why do you think I was put to sleep and turned to stone? You cannot die with my magic inside of you, and even if you kill them, more will come, stronger, wiser, and better"

I put my head down in defeat

"Awe, it just hit you didn't it?" He laughed "Your not as powerful as you think you are"

"So is there a special spell to reverse the one that turned you into stone" I asked

"Its not a spell, thats where the Weir witch comes in with her special gift, or oddity, whatever they're called today" He replied

"What? Raven cant do that! That's not even her oddity" I had some hope in my voice, as if I finally had something over him.

"Ohhh, of course you don't know" He said sarcastically " See, all Weir witches have the oddity to turn things to stone and reverse it. Your Weir witch has that ability, she just doesn't know it yet" He chuckled

"What? No!" I shouted

In just in instant he was gone and it was back to darkness. The only thing I had in my mind was fear.

Suddenly it felt like I was being pulled out of the darkness, and in just a moment my eyes opened and I could feel that this was real. Not a dream, and not an illusion.

I let out a gasp and sat up to see Finn, Ezekiel, Calluna, Avian, Enya, Rauz and Raven all crowded around me.

I looked at them in shock and said "No! What did you guys just do?" I stressed "You just completed the last step in waking Malik"

Exiled II: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now