Chapter 13

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It had been a few days and we were all just taking time to relax and recuperate after everything. We were still planning to go back to the wolves territory but wanted to give it a few days being that I kind of destroyed their home.

I took the serum and it feels like it's working although im not completely sure. I guess we'll find out if someone tries to force the magic out of me.

I was now in my room with Finn going over the Malik books since I hadn't really touched them yet.

Finn was laying in the bed and I was at the table in our room. I wasn't sure if he was sleep or not so I was trying to keep quiet.

Finn still doesn't know about the kiss me and Ezekiel shared. I want to tell him but I still don't know how.

"Are you awake?" I asked quietly

There was no reply for at least twenty seconds

"Yes" Finn said sharply

"What's with you? These past few days you've been really distant" I snapped

Lately Finn has been really quiet and stand offish towards me and im not sure why.

"Nothing, im fine" He replied before getting out of the bed and sitting up

"Whatever, anyways I guess ill finish going through these books" I replied flipping through the pages

As I was reading I came across something interesting. I noticed that it said "Written by Alex Weir" which would have to be one of Ravens ancestors.

"Wow it says a Weir witch wrote this, probably to help someone if Malik ever got out" I said

"Thats good, because this might tell us how they were able to defeat him" Finn said excitedly

As I kept reading I noticed a section that said "His power" in bold letters.

"Come over here and look at this" I said in shock before reading it out loud

"Malik is like a anomaly, he isn't a vampire, he isn't a witch, or a werewolf" I began reading out loud "He is all of those combined" me and Finn looked at each other in shock. Chills ran down my spine

I couldn't believe what I had just read, its not like he was a witch we could easily overpower, or some vampire we could stake, or a werewolf we could kill, he was all of it and nothing.

"How the hell do we beat that?" I panicked

"I don't know, I don't think we can" Finn said nervously before I continued reading.

"Maliks aura is rooted from one of the oldest, darkest, witches to ever live, her name was Delilah" that name didn't ring a bell for me at all. "She was an extremely evil woman and before she died she performed a spell that transformed her magic into an aura. An aura of sinister influence, an aura that would live on forever."

Finn looked at me in confusion before speaking. "Does it explain how Malik got a hold of it? Or even how the hell hes supposedly all of these supernatural beings at once?"

I kept reading trying to find something until I finally did

"It says Malik was the one who killed Delilah, he wanted her dead because he wanted her power. In doing so her aura and life force became one with him, eventually causing him to be more evil and powerful than she ever was" I explained "I dont think she expected her aura to be so strong, I also don't think her life force was supposed to become one with him. That means she as a whole became one with him, not just her aura"

Something felt off about all this information, something wasn't making sense but I just couldn't figure out what.

"So really Malik isn't technically the problem, its the aura surrounding him?" Finn asked

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