Chapter 14

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After we went over the plan we immediately left to go back to wolf territory. We let Finn see the area through our minds by using a spell that way he could teleport us. He was able to get us pretty close but we still had a little walking to do through the woods.

It was a bright sunny day outside, not too hot but definitely not cold.

"So what if they want revenge for you destroying their home? Are we gonna fight?" Rauz asked

"I hope it doesn't come to that because I shouldn't use that dark magic again, the more I use it the easier it'll start to take over me and ruin what the serum is trying to do" I replied

I noticed Rauz's face turn up after hearing that, probably because they didn't really want me to take it.

"So you did take the serum?" He said in a disappointed tone

"Yes, I had to! I mean we saw what this magic did to Kane. I can't risk becoming that Rauz, I just cant" I replied frantically

"I know but Kane was already a bad person from what you told me, maybe you could've fought the magic off naturally or with a spell" I admired that he thought I was strong enough to do that but I didn't agree.

"I know but think about it like this, im definitely not evil like Kane and I've already lashed out and done bad things.... if I keep it up ill go full on evil" I explained "Listen Rauz, I know your scared for me and I am too but, something has to be done. I have to be willing to try anything"

He nodded his head in agreement and I could tell he understood what I was saying.

"I know this isn't the time for gossip but, Zane asked me on a date and I don't know what to do" Rauz said smiling while changing the subject

"Zanes gay?" Raven said chiming in on the conversation

"Something like that" Rauz replied

"I think you should go for it! I mean as long as we've known each other I've probably seen you with one guy" I admitted

"Yeah because im not really good with this whole dating thing. I mean I've mastered the study of spells and magic but men...thats a whole different class that I seem to always fail" He joked and we laughed.

"I say go for it, it seems to be the season love for everyone. I mean look at Raven and Angelo, he was definitely sneaking out of her room this morning" I blurted out and Raven began blushing

"Lets not talk about that okay, he was just asking me if I was hungry" Raven lied

"Yeah and im sure you were very full" Rauz teased

"Ha-Ha! Very funny" Raven replied sarcastically

"I agree with Altiair, its the season of love... go for whoever you want, break someones heart, kiss someone and cheat on your boyfriend if you'd like" Finn ranted and we all stopped and looked at each other in shock.

"Finn... really? Right now?" I said angrily

"Yes right now, your saying its the season of love right? Well for who? Because I haven't experienced that" Finn snapped "Oh im sorry it must be for Ezekiel who you kissed"

"To be fair I kissed Alt first" Ezekiel added.

Finn immediately punched Ezekiel in the face and they began fighting. It was weird because they were fighting without using their powers, it was just an old fashioned brawl.

Ezekiel got on top of Finn and started punching him until Finn moved his face and Ezekiel hit the ground which gave Finn an opening to grab Ezekiel and slam him on the ground.

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