Chapter 16

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After finding out the book was enchanted, we began trying to find ways to undo the spell. At this point we were running out of ideas and getting nowhere.

"I mean what the hell did they use to bind this spell?" Avian snapped

"Probably Gorilla glue" Ezekiel joked and we all laughed

I was beginning to get frustrated because it felt like we were wasting time. I got up and began pacing, I do that when I start getting overwhelmed.

Ezekiel put his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me.

"I know it's frustrating, but we're gonna figure it out" Ezekiel calmly assured me "Plus you being mad with this magic inside of you is scary, we don't need you burning this house down too" I giggled and nudged him.

I began trying to think of a way to undo the spell. It took a minute but I finally came up with something.

"Okay I got it!" My face lit up happily "If Alex Weir wrote this book, it would make sense to want a Weir witch to be the only ones to undo the spell, right?"

"Yeah I guess that makes sense" Raven replied hesitantly

"Can you think of any spells your family would say? Maybe that were passed down?" I asked her

"Im not sure, ill have to think" she replied

"Well think fast because we're running out of time" Raven put her head down and began focusing.

"Im thinking.... one thing they always said repeatedly" She mumbled out loud. Her brown eyes lit up brightly, as if she may have thought of something.

"In blood, we stand together.... No that wasn't it" Raven said mumbling still "Im close though" We all looked at her intensely, waiting for her to figure it out

"When days are dim, the night is bright, and with blood we shall unite" She chanted confidently and we immediately looked at the book, only to see nothing happening

"Well great, that didn't wo-" I began saying before noticing the words on the book slowly becoming visible and the book shot open, I looked at it in shock.

"You did it!" I shouted happily, I noticed Angelo hug Raven.

"What does it say?" Enya asked and Raven began reading

Raven took a deep breath before reading "It says that Malik basically forced Alex to learn his calcification oddity, so that he could wake up" She explained and I looked at her in confusion.

"What? That doesn't make sense I thought he was already awake when all this happened" I said shocked

"Apparently not, he said that he tricked him into waking him up, thats how it all started again. He had been asleep for hundreds of years prior" She replied before coming to a long pause "Wait he must've been writing in these books as it was happening because he said he got some of the information from the first book wrong, that Delilah girl wasn't some evil witch that Malik killed, but that the roles were reversed. She tried to kill him but she ended up dying instead and her magic became one with him" We all looked at each other in disbelief

"So what were her powers?" Calluna asked and Raven continued reading before answering

"She actually had the power to take life forces and gain their abilities as well, but she never used it because she felt it was evil. Obviously Malik did use it for evil and whatever spell she used to try to kill Malik with backfired and because she didn't know how to control her life force oddity and it made her become one with him instead" She explained

"That doesn't explain the aura thing though, the last book said Delilah performed the aura spell" I added remembering what I read in the first book

"Yeah apparently Malik actually did that spell, I guess it was his aura after all" Raven replied

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