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I woke up im a room, at first everything was blurry but as I blinked away the blurriness, I quickly realized where I was. I was in my old room at the academy. I looked around to see everyone I loved surrounding me.

"This is my old room" I smiled

"I wanted you wake up somewhere familiar" Luxx said happily before hugging me along with everyone else.

"Im so happy your okay Alt!" Calluna said gratefully

"That spell you did was insane!" Rauz bragged

"And the way you snatched that magic from him was impressive! Now, he's finally dead" Ezekiel added

"But Raven and Angelo... there stuck in the essence bow now" I said emotionally, they were all trying to comfort me

"I know, but we took it home hours ago and its safe now, we are gonna find a way to get them out even if the books say there isn't one" Avian promised

I sighed "Angelo just became alpha too, that pack is gonna fall apart without Maya or Angelo"

"Alt, I know this feels like a loss but you killed that bastard, you won!" Zarya assured me

Delilah smiled at me, knowing I was okay seemed to be enough for her because she started to leave.

"Delilah, thank you so much! You helped alot, even though we didn't quite remember" I said quickly before she left

"No problem, I'd love to stay but I need to go see my sister in ghost town. Now that I know why it was so easy for me to betray her, she should know" She walked out

"Guys there's something I didn't tell you" I admitted and they all looked at me in confusion.

"What?" Jeremiah asked

"That spell I did to shatter Malik, had a consequence... it took every ounce of magic out of me, the magic I siphoned included" I admitted reluctantly

"Meaning what?" Luxx asked

"Meaning I don't have my magic anymore, right now I feel nothing. Not even a drop or flicker of magic in my body. Im only a vampire now" Tears were rushing down my face "I don't know who I am without magic, being a witch is all I've known, but it had to be done. The sacrifice was necessary."

"I don't believe that its gone for good, I have hope!" Rauz said emotionally

"Me too, the same hope I have in getting Raven and Angelo out of that damn bow" Calluna said sternly

"Witch or not, you saved the supernatural community from chaos once again. You saved us all once again" Finn said happily

I suddenly got an idea "Finn teleport me to wolf territory, I need to go give the best speech of my life. I need them to keep Angelo as their alpha, I need to give them hope as well"

Finn agreed and we joined hands and teleported to the werewolves. I walked into the middle of their field and immediately caught their attention.

"As you may or may not know, Angelo and Raven were shot with The Essence Bow and are now trapped inside of it with a plethora of horrible, evil witches. You guys are probably scared, worried about who to choose to replace Angelo, but im here to tell you to hold off on doing that."

"Why would we hold off, we already know that nobody has ever made it out of that thing... he's gone, just like Maya" One of the male wolves said

"Nobody had ever killed Malik before me, and now he's dead. We found a way, and we are going to find a way to get them out of there." I assured them

"Why should we believe that?" One of the female wolves snapped

"Because im going to be one hundred percent honest with you right now. The spell I used to kill Malik took all of my magic, I don't have anymore" They all gasped "And even with that being the case I have hope! I can't do magic right now but everything I've ever learned as a witch is still in my head"

They all looked at nervously, some seemed convinced, othes not.

"And because I know how excited Angelo was to dedicate himself to this pack. I know how much love and passion that boy has, he wouldn't give up on any of you so don't give up on him. Raven was ready to move on with her life and be her best self, and I wont sleep until they're out. So I ask you to give me time to do so before you guys just give up on him and select a new alpha"

They all sat there for a second deep in thought, I didn't know what they were thinking but I was definitely nervous.

One of them stood up and walked over to me "My name is Leon, I was gonna be his second, so we'll wait for him. I'll keep them in line while you fight to get them out. I believe in you so please, don't let us down. We can't take anymore loss" something about his energy was warm, I could tell he was genuine.

I smiled "I promise you I will find a way, as you can see we thrive in conflict. It makes us stronger" He put his hand out so I shook it. He walked away taking my word that I would find a way, and as challenging as I knew it would be I couldn't let them down

"Lets go home" I said so Finn immediately did so.

Once we got back I saw everyone crowded around the table with very worried looks on there faces. Almost as if everything fell apart in the short amount of time i was gone. Little did I know, it did.

"What's going on?" I asked nervously

"The Essence Bow— it's gone!" Enya said somberly "and whoever stole it left a note" She handed it to me

It read:

"Hey, sorry I couldn't stay for a chat but im sure we'll meet again. The Essence Bow is back home where its supposed to be.

With Love- WHA"

"What the hell does WHA stand for?" Ezekiel asked

I thought about it and it took a second for it to hit me, and when it did I had the worse feeling in my stomach.

"Oh my god, it stands for The Witch Hunter Association"

"So they have it now? They have the thing that Raven and Angelo are trapped in" Calluna said clearly distraught

They now had the only weapon that could cause the extinction of witches as we know it.

"Guys, this is not good"



Exiled II: The AwakeningWhere stories live. Discover now