Chapter 3

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McKenzie's POV

My alarm goes off at the usual time of 5:30 am and I sit up stretching my muscles from yesterdays martial arts lesson since they are extremely sore. After quickly getting changed and packing my soccer kit and school bag, I make my way downstairs to the kitchen and start to quietly make my breakfast.

I'm going for something simple today as I heard Rob come in last night completely wasted so I don't plan on staying in this house longer than I need to. As I'm getting the bowl out and placing it on the table I knock a glass over with my elbow and I'm not quick enough to catch it before it smashes all over the floor.

"Shit shit shit, Rob is going to kill me," I say to myself while frantically trying to pick up the broken glass while also avoiding cutting my hands open.

I manage to get most of it off the floor and it is currently in my hands when Rob comes down and startles me.

"What the hell is this racket your making and 5 in the morning!" Rob says shouting, causing me to drop all the glass back on the floor.

"It's actually 5:45 and I only dropped a glass I'm picking up the pieces now okay I'm sorry" well my first mistake was correcting him on the time.

I look up at him and he grabs my arms aggressive definitely leaving bruises where his fingers are.

"How dare you speak to me like you ungrateful hore," Robs says spitting into my face.

"it was just an accident I didn't mean it" well that was mistake number two, answering back.

Rob harshly pushed me back causing me to lose my footing and fall on my backside, I place my hands down to break my fall but I landed into the glass that I dropped before.

"ahhh," I say hissing as the glass goes into my palms. I look up at him in pain for any sort of apology but get nothing.

"well it's your fault for dropping the glass in the first place" Robs says with no emotion what so ever.

"clean the glass up now and leave all ready, oh and you better be back by 5 tonight or your punishment going to be worse little girl" he says gripping the bottom of my face while speaking, I can smell the alcohol still on his breaths and it takes everything to not scrunch up my face in disgust.

Rob goes back upstairs presumably to go back to bed and I quickly clean up the glass and blood of the floor while trying to wrap up my hands to stop the bleeding. I managed to take all the glass out of my palms and the bandage has stopped the bleeding finally. Just how am I going to explain this one to people?

I arrive on time for first period Algebra despite my delay and I take my seat next to my best friend Kate.

"Hey Kate, what's up" I say to her

"Nothing much just been chilling these past few days, we should do something tomorrow after school since its Friday" Kate asks while getting out her textbooks.

"I would love to Kate but I'm at a decathlon tournament all day tomorrow and we don't get back till la..." I say while getting books out of my back and putting them on the desk before I get cut off.

"Woah woah woah Kenz, what the hell happened to your hands!" Kate says in shock since some of the blood has leaked through the bandage.

"Nothing I just dropped a glass and when I was picking up the pieces it cut my hands," I say which is partially true just leaving out the part where Rob pushed me into it.

"So you managed to cut both your hands on the palm" Kate say looking at me as if she doesn't believe a word I'm saying.

"Ye-yeah that's all that happened," I say a little nervously as I really don't want to tell her Rob is hitting me again.

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