Chapter 16

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Mackenzie's POV

I grab my keys from my bag and open the door to the house, I walk in and notice there are more shoes than normal by the coat rack.

"Hello is anyone home!" I shout through the house.

"We are in the kitchen love" I hear Clint shout to me. I haven't seen them in weeks! I run into the kitchen and see Nat and Clint cooking.

"Mom! Dad! When did you get home?" I exclaim.

Pause. You're probably thinking why I'm calling them Mom and Dad, well while I was in the hospital I had to have an operation and they put me under so when I woke up I was really loopy and called them Mom and Dad by accident.

When I came back round they told me and I was really embarrassed but they said that they thought of me as there daughter and didn't mind it. So I guess it kinda stuck. My parents were never around much and when they were they always seemed cold and closed off so I never really bonded with them too much. They only had a few moments in my life where they acted like adults.

"We finished early and decided to come home for a bit, Fury gave us the week off," Mom tells me.

"That's great! Glad you guys are home I missed you" I say to them both pulling them into a family hug.

"we missed you too Tutan," Dad says to me while ruffling my hair.

"am I alright to go to Peters tonight I'm having dinner with him and his Aunt, I'm really sorry I didn't realise you guys would be home so soon and I already kinda said yes," I say starting to ramble to them feeling really bad ditching them.

"Kenz, slow down it's okay, me and your Mom are going to have a date night anyway," Dad says winking towards Mom

"Ew way too much information thanks," I say cringing at the thought of their 'date night'. Mom just laughs.

"just make sure your home by 9 the next morning we are taking a trip to see my sister for the week," Dad tells me.

"Am I going to meet Laura and the kids!" I say excitedly, I haven't met Laura yet but from what I've heard from Dad she's really nice.

"Yes we are and we will be staying the whole week so make sure you pack your bag before you go to Peters," Mom tells me, I nod my head and walk out the room before I remember them mentioning coming back in the morning, why would they think I'm staying the night. I turn back around and like my head around the door.

"Why am I staying the night?" I ask them confused

"well we kinda want some 'alone' time tonight," Dad tells me with a smirk on his face

"omg! Again WAY too much information again. I'm scarred for life!" I exclaim dramatically running up to my room and packing a bag. I grab my phone out to text Peter if I can stay the night. He says that it's fine.

I go back downstairs to talk to Mom and Dad before I leave. I see them in the living room watching TV on the couch, Mom has her legs spread across Dad.

"So how was your mission guys, everything go well?" I ask from the kitchen, I grab myself a diet coke and make my way to the sofa, sitting down the opposite end of Mom and putting my feet on Dads lap.

"It was all good, the other Avengers are finally pardoned, turns out Ross was working for HYDRA so the accords have all been removed and everyone else is no longer criminals" Mom explains to me.

Mom and Dad both got let off early as they helped defeat a HYDRA base and the government decided that they had paid their debt to the country by saving the hostages in the base. That's when I finally moved in with them.

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