Chapter 13

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Natasha POV
S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters
8:00 a.m.
The next day

"Come on Clint put your back into it!" I tell my boyfriend after just flipping him over my shoulder and onto the mat.

"Nat don't get me wrong I love you, I really do, but sometimes I want to strangle you," Clint tells me.

I laugh a little and give him my hand to help him stand up, but instead, he pulls me down and flips me on my back, he's now straddling me while my arms are pinned behind above my head.

"Oh look at that, you're pinned down," Clint tells me with a smirk on his face.

"Well, what if I wanted to be in this position," I tell him with an equally big smirk on my face.

"I see how it is then," Clint tells me leaning in to kiss me on the lips.

"urmmmm excuse me," I small shy voice says from behind us, we both whip our heads around to see a young girl standing by the door looking extremely awkward.

"Director Fury wants to see you two, he says it's urgent," she says before quickly scurrying out of the room.

"To be continued," Clint says while winking as he walks away. I chuckle a little at his childish behaviour. We walk into the conference room Fury's in

"Hey, Nick this better be good we were kinda in the middle of something," I say winking at Clint making him laugh a little.

"This is a time to be serious Natasha," he tells me, he only calls me Natasha when something really wrong. My face morphs into one of concern and seriousness.

"What has happened Nick," I ask him,

"It's about Mackenzie," he tells me, the look of seriousness falls off my face and is replaced with one of sadness and anxiousness.

"She's in the hospital Nat, and it's bad she's in critical condition at the moment, I'm giving you both the week off work to see her and I'll find out how this happened. She's in stark towers med bay," he tells us, I don't waste a second longer in that room before I swing open the door grabbing my coat and keys from my desk and heading to my motorcycle.

I can hear Clint close behind me. I can't believe I let this happen I promised Lilly and James I would protect her, and I've failed them already.

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I pull up to Stark tower with Clint on the back of the motorcycle and we both jump off quickly and run into the back entrance Tony showed us for emergency situations, and this feels like one. I get into the elevator and go to the Med-bay floor.

"it's not your fault Nat, don't blame yourself," Clint says to me as if he's reading my mind, he puts his hand on my shoulder and I rest my hand on top of his.

The elevator dings and the doors slide open agonisingly slow, we speed walk down the corridor checking all the rooms for Kenzie.

"Come on Kenz, where are you" I hear Clint mutter to himself. We reach room 107 and I'm shocked at what I see through the window.

"Clint" I barely whisper to him.

He comes to stand next to me and just pulls me into his chest. I hug him tighter, she's the only family I have apart from Nick and Clint, I can't let her die, I let go and just stare at her through the window a stray tear slips down my cheek.

I walk in and notice Tony and a young boy on the couch asleep. I furrow my eyebrows at this but take a seat next to her hospital bed nevertheless while Clint stands behind me, his hand resting on my shoulders.

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