Chapter 22

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Morgans POV

I wake up with a face full of dark brown hair. I flap it out of my face, spitting to get the bits that have landed in my mouth

"will you shut up" Kenzie groans behind me shoving me a little.

"well get your hair out of my mouth then," I say to her shoving her back.

She just turns to face me and shoves me again. I give her a look that say 'what was that for' she just smirks so I push her again, we do this for a while until we tumble off the bed into a heap.

We look at each other and burst out laughing, clutching our stomachs in pain as laughter spills from our mouths. All of a sudden the door burst open

"what happened, is everyone okay" Mom shouts to me looking at me and Kenz on the floor. I just look back at Kenzie and she does the same sending us into another laughing fit. Mom just chuckles

"once you two have finish laughing, there are some chocolate chip pancakes waiting in the kitchen," Mom tells me, this makes us instantly stop and sprint out the door.

"I'm having the first one!" Kenzie shouts pushing past me.

"Not if I get there first!" I say laughing, we both stumble into the kitchen reaching for the plate of pancakes. We pick up the same one ripping it in half and stuffing it in our mouths laughing.

"what are you two so happy about," Dad asks me sipping his coffee in the corner. I just look at Kenzie and smiling.

"Just glad my friends feeling better," I say to Kenz, slinging my arm over her shoulder. She looks at me and smiles

"me too," she says back to me. "hey is Peter here today?" she asks me I just smirk at her careful not to show dad.

"Yes he's coming round at lunchtime," I say to her, she instantly starts to smile and I laugh at how cute she is. She just smacks my arm.

"he's actually coming round in about 5 minutes," Tony says pausing mid-sentence to check his watch.

"go wait in his room to surprise him" I whisper into Kenzie ear she smiles at me and walks off to his room. That girl is whipped.


Mackenzie's POV

I walk into Peters room and sit on his bed waiting to see him for the first time this week. All I want to do is hug him so tightly I've missed him so much this past week and with everything that's happened, I think it's just what I need.

The elevator dings outside in the lounge and I hear Peters' voice travel through the room outside.

"Hey dad, me and Ned built this epic new lego figurine had over 3,000 pieces it was crazy." Peter tells his dad, I just chuckle at his silliness.

"That's cool, you still out tonight?" Tony asks him. I hear him hum in response.

"Let me go put my stuff in my room i'll be back in a sec" he says putting a huge smile on my face.

"FRIDAY, can you soundproof the room please," I ask the AI.

"of course Miss Morgan," it says back to me. I can hear Pete footsteps getting closer to the four by the second. The door swings open and reveals Peter in his glory

It takes him a second to look up from the floor and when he does he just stands there in shock. I chuckle a little.

"Are you gonna come over here and hug me or what?" I say with my arms wide open for him.

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