Chapter 21

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Tonys POV

Bruce and I have been in the lab for 3 hours now working on this antiserum that can hopefully cure Kenzie.

"I've got it!" Bruce screams leaping up from his chair. I rush over and read over all his calculations.

"Bruce you are a genius!" I say hugging the man.

"let's run a simulation to make sure it works and we will go make it to give to Kenzie," I say to him he nods his head and starts typing things into the computer.

I make my way upstairs to where Kenzie is staying to tell them the good news. I open the doors and both Clint and Nat turn to face me.

"Me and Bruce think we have the cure, we are just running some test to be 100 percent sure," I tell them both Nat stands up and gives me a hug I'm initially shocked that the spy is hugging me but I smile and hug her back.

"Thank you, Tony, we couldn't have done this without you," she says to me I just smile and make my way over to Skye to get her ready for Bruce. Around 2 minutes later he comes in with a vile in his hands.

"It works," he says passing the bottle to me, I connect it to the drip that Skye already has and watch the solution seep into her bloodstream

"she should be waking up soon," I say. As if on cue Kenzie starts moving, her eyes squinting shut, Nat grabs her hand and gives it a squeeze making her turn her head and open her eyes.

"Mom" She wheezes out. I was not expecting that. I signal for Bruce to leave the room and he nods following me out the door. Since when was she Nats daughter!


Mackenzie's POV

I groan as my eyes adjust to the blinding light, I feel someone squeeze my hand so I turn my head to look in their direction and see its mom

"mom?" I manage to wheeze out

"Hey darling, how are you feeling," she asks me her hand pushing the hair out of my face.

"Still feeling like a mummy," I say with a small smile on my face causing dad to burst out laughing and mom to grin at me.

"I'm glad your okay tut" Dad says standing up to kiss me on the head. I suddenly gasp causing them both to look at me worried

"is my guitar okay!" I ask them seriously. They just chuckle and say it's fine and had some new strings put on it. I sigh and lean my head back onto the pillow. This has been one hell of a day.

I sleep for the next couple of hours drifting in and out of consciousness. When I was up this time I decide I want to stretch my legs a bit so I pull of the wires that are attached to me and I hope of the bed.

I make my way to the door and pull on the handle for it to come flying off. I let go and see my hand has in printed finger marks onto it. The handles metal! What the hell. I awkwardly place the handle on the side cabinet and pull open the door using the small hole I created to do so.

I aimlessly wander down the halls, looking into different rooms my curiosity getting the better of me. I spot one that has a bunch off cool tech and gadgets I open the doors and met with Tony sitting in tech heaven.

"wowww is this all yours!" I ask Tony who jumps out of his chair and turns to face me.

"Jesus, you scared the life out of me. Why are you up you should be resting" Tony says to me. I just shrug my shoulder and walk over to see what he is working on.

"This is so cool what are you working on," I ask him wheeling the seat across from the room to sit down next to him.

"I'm just building this new tech for my suit, it keeps on over heating and I don't know why," he says fiddling with a few wires. I look at it for a few seconds and spot his problem

"Give it here," I say to him, he looks at me reluctantly but I just grab it off him

"you need you to move this wire here otherwise it's crossing over the metallic plate and that's heating up everything," I say to him while moving some stuff around.

"there you go should be all good now," I say standing up "hey do you have any spare clothes I don't fancy wearing this hospital gown" Tony doesn't say anything but points over to a cupboard, I open it and find a bunch of spare clothes, some Tonys and some that I recognise to be Peters.

Theres a pair of stray legging and tank top so I grab them and head over to the bathroom. I take off the hospital gown and look down at my stomach, I've got a scar that runs along the side of it. I grab my top and pull it over my head when I hear someone gasp from behind me.

"Omg, dad said you got hurt I didn't think it was that bad" the person says, I turn around and see Morgan looking at me with sympathy.

"no one was meant to see them!" I quietly scream to Morgan. I quickly pull her into the bathroom and lock the door behind her. I start walking around the room.

"why couldn't you have just knocked Morgan! Now you know and you're going to tell Pete and he won't want to be with me anymore cause he'll find them ugly" I say crying by the end.

Morgan runs over and wraps me into a hug I collapse into her and fall on the floor, my violent sobs shaking my body. I just stay like this for a while, crying into Morgan until I finally manage to calm down and control my breathing. Morgan grabs ahold of my face and pulls up to look at her in the face.

"I'm not going to tell anyone, Kenzie, especially not my brother, it's your secret to share when you are ready and don't think for a second he won't find you any less attractive. That boy will do anything for you" she says making me chuckle. I just pull her into a tight hug.

"I'm always here for you if you need to talk, I'm the less sarcastic Stark in the family," she says. I just smile and nod my head.

"come on, up you get, me and you are going to get a bunch of blankets, heap loads of sweets and popcorn and we are going to binge watch all three High School Musicals. Sound like a plan?" she says to me pulling me up off the ground.

"Absolutely," I say laughing. She grabs my hand and we run out of the room and down the corridor to her bedroom, she goes to get the snack while I set up the first movie.

We spend all night singing along and mouthing to the lines we know and by the end of the third movie we have both fallen asleep curled up next to each other, blankets spread across the room.

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