Chapter 7

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Mackenzie's POV

I do a full 360 turn around the room trying to soak in everything I'm seeing, there are people in S.H.I.E.L.D uniform sparing in a room, and then there are scientists that are in some fancy lab.

"this place looks sick" I run to the widow of the science lab and look around my eyes land on these bullets and gun I have read up about

"No. Way. Are those what I think they are! These are absolute genius pieces of work, they're none lethal bullets that have heavy stopping power and break up under the subconscious tissue whoever designed these is a genius!"  I exclaim ranting about the science behind them to Nick who clearly has no clue what I'm saying.

"So you're a science nerd I see," he says

"I mean I enjoy it, wouldn't say I'm a nerd but I can appreciate works of art when I see one " I reply back with.

We continue to walk around until we reach a door with a biometric hand scanner on it. Nick places his hand over the top and the machine makes a clicking noise and turns light green. As we walk into the room I'm left stunned at what's before me; a huge room with two desks facing each other in opposite ends of the room.

Boxes and files are stacked high around the wall and papers are scattered all over the desk. I notice a small plaque on the desk so I go over and pick it up and read the name engraved 'Lilly Steele' I run my finger over the letters.

"Was this my moms?" I ask

"Yes it was, your parents were some of the best lawyers we had," he says

"Why wouldn't they tell me they worked for S.H.I.E.L.D," I ask with sadness clear in my voice

"The same reason we never knew about you, to protect people from threats." he says I nod and continue to walk around the room looking at things on my parent's desks

"They were some of the best field agents we had here as well," Nick says causing me to snap my neck up and look at him with a confused face.

"I mean I knew they were lawyers, but field agents as well!" I say in shock.

"Yes they travelled the world, stopping threats, even had their own team that they ran together," He says picking up a picture frame that's laying face down and putting it back upright.

"Well that explains why we were always moving, and why they are never home." I say connecting all the dots in my head.

"Jeez now I realise how much of a brat I must have sounded like to them, they were out there risking there lives to save the world and I was mad because they missed my soccer match," I say getting slightly teary at the way I treated them.

"Anyone your age would have had the same reaction you thought they were neglecting you they wouldn't hold it against you I promise" I wipe my eyes quickly not wanting to cry in front of him.

"I heard you are living with your uncle now, how is it?" he says, on instact, I clutch my ribs, the memory of him kicking me comes flooding back.

"Yeah, I guess it's alright, he's not home much but I'm used to that anyway," I say getting slightly uncomfortable on the topic of my Uncle.

"why are you holding your ribs in pain," he says standing up straight now looking slightly cross.

"its nothing, just from martial arts class yesterday," I say quickly using the same lie I told Peter yesterday. He raises his eyebrows and I think he doesn't believe my lie

"didn't know you took Martial art classes, how long have you done that for?" he asks obviously curious

"Around 5 years now," I say a little proud of myself that a spy didn't know something about me.

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