Chapter 27

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I've had a pretty average Tuesday so far; woke up at 5:00 in this God-forsaken orphanage, made all the kids breakfast, washed all the dishes, helped everyone get changed for school, gave the place a clean and sent everyone off on their day just in time for my school day to start.

Well, that was a lot wasn't it, yes I'm an orphan, have been my whole life really so don't start feeling sorry for me my mother got pregnant one night by some guy and she didn't bother to tell him so when she died giving birth to me no one knew who my father was so I was put into foster care.

a newborn in foster care, you would think someone would want me, but apparently not so this is how I grew up moving from one orphanage to another because the owners couldn't seem to handle me. I think I've moved about 20 times in my life but I've stayed in queens for 3 years so far, the owners, Jackie and Richard, are never around so they don't really care for any of the kids and that's why I have to stay here, to look after them all.

There's a total of 16 kids here all ranging from 4-17, I'm the oldest here and then theirs Archie who has just turned 16 he's a great help, we both work in order to get money for food and new clothes so we take turns doing shifts to make sure someone is always home.

The youngest Jessica, who's 4, has been here almost the whole time I have she was 1 when I came and I've had to be her big sister. She's really clever for her age so we managed to get her to start school early which really helps our schedule.

So I guess that's my life for you, looking after kids and working while trying to manage school work as well, it's hard but I've gotten used to it by now. No one knows I'm an orphan, only the headteacher of my school I don't want people to pity me so I just don't say anything and it's not as they ask anyway. I have an okay life.

There's only one bad part of staying in this orphanage, when the owners do come home it's usually drunk and pissed off, normally they have blown all the money the government gives them to feed and look after us on betting, so when they come home they are angry and they usually take that anger out on anyone they see.

We have this routine when they come him, I'll ring the bell 3 times and that means everyone locks themselves in their room while my and Archie try and calm them down and today it's that day, I'm sitting in the living room watching all the kids play when I hear the gravel go outside.

I jump up and grab the bell ringing it 3 times, everyone looks at me and quickly hurries off to their room me and Archie scramble to get the place clean.

"we lost all our money 'cause of you idiots!" screamed Jackie, I mouth to Archie to hurry and clean while I distract them. He nods his head and runs off while I go and meet them by the door to try and distract them for long enough

"I'm sorry you lost all your money," I say to them walking up to the door.

Richard looks me in the eyes and I can see the hatred and anger burning in them, he grabs me by the collar of my top and slams me to the wall. It takes everything to make a single noise.

"its all your fault you bitch" he slurs into my face, the alcohol clear in his breath.

He throws me to the floor and my head clips the side of the reception desk as I fall down, I can feel a warm liquid running down my face. I put my hand to my forehead and see red covering my palm. I curse under my breath, that's going to be hard to cover up.

I can feel myself getting more and more light-headed by the second but I stand up nether the less.

"that was your own fault you cow," Jackie says to me slurring her words, she grabs Richards arm and drags him off to their room, I let a breath out I didn't realise I was holding. Archie comes back into the room

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