Chapter 31

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Mackenzie's  POV

Has it been a hectic week or what! After the soccer game, we spent another day in Miami before heading back home to our families, mom and dad were away on a mission so I'm staying with Morgan at the moment and we are having a fashion shoot.

"Yes that's it stand there" Morgan says waving her hands around in the air. I shuffle around a bit and pull some funny stances. Morgan laughs as we take a bunch of pictures.

"Did you get any good ones?" I asked her running up to look at her phone, she shows me a few of them and we laugh at the funny ones

"that one has to be my favourite," She says pointing to the ones of me kicking my leg up high

"I just look stupid," I say to her laughing. I try and convince her to let me take some photos but she said she can't risk it, which I totally understand. The whole world doesn't know she exists. We go into her bedroom and just flop onto her bed.

"Sometimes, I wish I had a normal life you know, I could go to school hang out with my mates at the park, go to prom. But I can't do any of that cause my dads Tony Stark" She says to me running her hand over her forehead, I do feel sorry for her, she's never experienced a normal childhood all because she shares the same last name. This instantly gives me an idea

"What if we made Tony not your dad." I say to her smiling she looks at me confused as to what I'm getting at. "you said that you can't do anything because he's Tony Stark but what if we changed your last name to something else and you could go to a school that way, under a different name" I say to her, she launches herself onto me and squeezes me tight.

"Kenz, you are a genius come on let's go talk to my dad," Morgan says grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door. We run down to the Lab where Peter and Tony are working.

"Hey dad, cause you know how much you love me right" Morgan starts saying sweetly to her dad, he just raises his eyebrows. "and that you want me to be happy" she continues to try and sweet talk him

"Just spit it out Morg" he says

"I was wondering if I could go to school, but change my last name so no one would know I'm your daughter," Morgan says way to quickly obviously nervous that her dads going to say no

"I don't know Morgan, if it gets out that I have a daughter all my enemy's will targets you," Tony says apologetically to her.

"That's why I would change my last name, maybe I could be Peters, cousin, that's moved in with him," Morgan says desperately to her dad.

"Come on dad please let Morgan go I will look after her the whole time," Peter says butting into the conversation.

"and I'll give her all the advice she needs to fit in," I tell Tony all us at this point have linked our arms and are pleadingly at him with puppy eyes

"Fine but you will have to take Peters name and go to his house every day after school and I'll pick you up from there," Tony says to us, we all high five each other and go to hug him

"Alright alright go away I've got work to do," Tony says pushing us off him, I grab Morgans hand and run up to her floor.

"Come on I'm taking you shopping for the essentials," I say to her, I grab my jacket and keys. Morgan goes to her dad's wallet and pulls out his credit card.

"He's got like a billion dollars on this thing I don't think he'll notice if I spend like $100," Morgan says I just shake my head, wish I could relate.

"I think we need to get you some suitable clothes first," I tell her, she grabs her keys and we head to the garage and climb into her car.

I seem to forget they are like ridiculously rich. We get to the shopping mall and head to the clothes shops

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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