Chapter 11

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Mackenzie's POV

It's currently Monday morning and our school are off for a 'teacher training day' so I decided to get all my friends involved in the "protect-peter-parker-plan" (its what MJ and I have decided to call it).

When I told them about Peter getting bullied the boys were mad, to say the least, Peter had gone out with them this weekend to play some basketball and they had all become good friends, apparently, he was just as good as Dylan and that surprised the boys a lot as well as me. While the boys were playing basketball I went over to MJ's house to go over our plan

"Okay so I'm thinking I turn up on Monday at lunchtime with everyone and we come and sit on your lunch table and I don't know maybe like kiss Peter or something and we will eat lunch with you?" I say to MJ

"Shit how am I'm going to get into the school" I say stressing about how I'm going to pull this off.

"it's cool our school is like too chill with people coming in and out," MJ says while shrugging her shoulders.

"oh and who are the people bullying him by the way" I ask MJ

"His names Flash actually called Eugene and has his goons that follow him like everywhere they just say some nasty stuff and sometimes get a little physical" MJ tell me

"What! He gets beat up" I scream at MJ

"Yeah I've I told him a million times to stand up for himself because he can but he says he would rather take it because he knows he can handle it than someone who can"t," MJ says to me

"Okay well that's both cute and stupid," I say while rolling my eyes at my boyfriend's actions.

Present Day:
"Come on guys lets go!" I shout to Jack and Dylan who are the last ones we have to pick up. They get in the car and we are about 5 minutes away from Midtown

"Alright, guys everyone know the plan?" I ask them

"Yes," I get back from them all. We continue to talk about school and home life for a while until I get a text for MJ.

"You might want to get here soon, something happened with Peter" I read, what the hell could have happened I start panicking a little

"what happened? are you okay," Kate asks me clearly seeing my panicked face

"MJ just text me saying something happened to Peter and we should get there quickly," I say to them

"We are a minute out Kenz okay, we are almost there," Dylan tells me from the driver's seat.

All I do is nod my head in response, scared I might cry if I try and talk. We pull up to the schools parking lot and I quickly rush out with everyone following close behind, Zack and Kyle lead the way to the cafeteria as they have been here before to play football.

I enter the canteen not caring if anyone is staring or not and spot Peter, Ned and MJ all sitting on a table at the far back, Peter has his head facing away from me but the look on MJ face tells me it's not good. I walk up to them and sit down next to Peter, he turns his head to look at me and I gasp at what I see.

His left eye is bright red and will likely turn into a large black bruise

"what happened Peter!" I ask him while lightly running my fingers over his eye causing him to flinch a little.

"Flash was picking on some year below because he accidentally knocked into him in the hallway so I stepped in to try and stop it but got a punch in the eye instead," he says shrugging his shoulders a little

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