Chapter 25

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Mackenzie's POV

"Are you okay Kenz?" Jack asks me from across the table, I look up and see everyone staring at me

"Kate I need to borrow you for a second," I say to her while grabbing her hand and pulling her out the cafeteria and into the corridor

"what is it Kenzie," she asks me worried.

"Peter just texts me something and I don't know how to react," I say while handing her my phone to read.

She frowns a little but grabs it and reads our last conversation. Her eyes widen I'm guessing after reading the last sentence. She starts doing a little dance and making squealing noises.

"This is serious Kate! What do I text back" I ask her desperately she doesn't say anything except smirk and run back towards the cafeteria

"I swear to God Kate don't you dare tell them!" I scream while chasing her down. She sits down and rambles it out to them

"Petersaidheloveskenzie," she said super fast, only the girls manage to pick until as we have heard her speak like this a million times. They all have and turn to face me and I just bury my head into my hands and blush super hard.

"what did she say, why is Kenzie embarrassed!" Dylan shout to them.

"Peter said he loves her," Lucy tells them. I look up to her

"Really Lucy you had to tell the boys!" I shout frustratedly

"whay did you say back" Luke asks me. I have a sheepish look on my face when I tell them.

"Err I kinda haven't replied yet" I tell them, they all start shouting at me asking why I haven't replied

"I don't know if he meant it or it was kinda like a force of habit thing," I say to them.

"its too late to text back now your just going to have to say it to his face," Kate tells me

"To his face! I can't do that it's going to be so embarrassing" I say while slamming my head onto the table. The bell rings signalling the end of lunch and I don't plan on staying any longer.

"I'll catch you guys later" I shout while picking up my tray and putting the rubbish in the bin. I hurriedly make my way to the next lesson and sit down in my seat waiting for the history teacher to come in.

"okay class today we are going to learn about and interesting topic that has been going in since the 2nd century and that would be torture methods" the History teacher Mr Higgins says.

You have got to be kidding me, I have to sit through this lesson and not have a panic attack. I can already feel my chest tightening and it's getting harder to breathe.

Come on Kenzie just focus on something else, I pull out my headphones and plug them into my phone and blast some music to try and drown out the teacher's voice. It worked for a while until Mr Briggs walks up to my desk and taps my shoulder, pulling me out of my focus from making notes on soccer strategy.

"Hand the headphones over please," He says to me

"Sir I really don't feel comfortable listening to this topic" I try and reason with him

"I can take your phone of you as well or it can just be your headphones you chose" I slump down in defeat and give him my headphones. Great now I have to listen.

"we are going to now look at the more modern type of torture that is still used today" Mr Higgins starts to say, I can tell this is already going to go badly

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