Chapter 30

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Peters POV

After the first goal, the second half was a tight game, both teams were neck and neck it's currently 2-1 to Kensington, they managed to get 2 goals back after we scored ours.

Kenz has played amazing this games even better than the last, currently she's on the ball and dribbling it up to the side of the pitch in a full sprint, she flicks the ball into the air to get it past the defender but the opposition seems to think she can get the ball so puts her boot up high to try and connect with the ball, she misses it and her foot goes flying down into Kenzie's face sending her crashing to the ground.

"That's a red card!" I hear Kyle shout from behind us. Everyone is shouting at the ref saying it was a foul and how the player should be sent off, but I'm more worried about Kenzie since she's still lying on the ground while the medics rush around her.

The crowd has settled down now and we are all on the edge of our seats waiting to see what has happened. After about 3 minutes of nothing happening and me getting increasingly worried by the second we see her get lifted to her feet, the crowd start clapping for her. I see Kate go over and talk to her, using my enhanced hearing I try and listen in.

"Hey, you okay?" Kate asks her best friend

"Yeah I'm good just got a nasty cut on my cheek from her stud" I hear Kenzie say I flinch a little at that not liking the idea of her getting hurt.

"Hey, makes you look sexy, I'm sure Peter will agree," Kate says making Kenz slap her on the arm and chuckle. I laugh a little at that making Ned turn and look at me weirdly

"she's fine, she's just got a cut on her cheek" I whisper to Ned not wanting anyone else to hear.

"I forgot you had freakishly good hearing," Ned says next to me.

I just punch his arm and continue watching the game, the player that kicked Kenzie gets a red card and is sent off and Rosehill get a free-kick from it.

I watch one of there players take the free-kick while Kenzie is in the box, the ball gets sent up high and everyone scrambles around to try and get to it first, the atmosphere is tense around us and I'm squeezing Morgans hand in anticipation while she sits on the edge of her seat.

Skye leaps into the air and her head connects with the ball sending it flying past the goalies' hands and into the back of the net. Everyone jumps up screaming, I pull Morgan into a hug while we cheer for Rosehill.

"Your girl is good," Morgan says to me, I just smile down at her proud at what Kenz has achieved.

She's been through so much and I couldn't be prouder, the fact that less than 5 months ago she was paralyzed and couldn't walk to her now scoring two goals in the cup final. I love her so much and it kills me that I can't share my other life with her.


Lauras POV

I'm so proud of kenzie, I remember 2 months ago when she called me up and told me everything that happened to her by that awful man, we sat on the phone for 3 hours that night while I listened to her cry and just talk to me, since that day we made it our thing that every Sunday she calls me and tells me all about her week even if nothing that interesting happened and I tell her about mine.

It's just a way to reflect on the week look a lot what went well and move on from what went wrong because you're about to start a new week. In some ways our little talks have been like therapy for me, I tell her about my problems and she gives me advice from another perspective, she may be only 17 but she is really mature for her age.

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