Chapter 24

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Mackenzie's POV

My alarm goes off next to me and I groan as I turn to hit the top of it. It's the first day back to school after the break and my first time after the Rob incident and I think I've had a total of 3 hours sleep, my mind just wouldn't rest after I received that letter.

"Stay alert Mackenzie, we are coming" could it be any more inconspicuous, when are they coming, do I have to live out the rest of my life on high alert for bloody HYDRA.

I try and shake off the thought and just focus on the day ahead, in other good news it's the first day of soccer training and I'm completely healed so I can actually start this time, and with the stuff Mr British Baldy put in me, I have a ton of more energy.

I start getting dressed and put on a nice outfit, being the most popular girl in school has its perks and its downfall, one of those downfalls is being expected to dress the part so that means my outfit has to be flawless overnight and since I haven't been to school for around 3 months all eyes are going to be on me meaning today's outfit has to be the best.

God that sounds so vain I swear I'm not like that. Unfortunately, I can't wear tops that show my back or stomach because everyone will see my scars then and not even my friends know. I finally chose my look and I have to say I'm going to look hot.

I thought the "I'm hot but also a bad girl" look was the best to choose for the first day back, show everyone that I'm not taking any of their shit.

I grab my school bag and soccer kit and make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. I chuck my bags in the corner and go straight for the fridge, I pull out the butter and put some toast into the toaster. Mom and dad are out for a mission this week so I've got the place to myself which is nice.

I sit on top of the counter on my phone while I wait for the toast to finish, this stupid letter is still bothering me, I feel like I know the handwriting from somewhere or someone and I just can't place it. What if the letters from someone I know and they are just using me, I think I'm going to have to do some Nancy Drew work and figure this one out on my own.

I'm brought out of my thought by the toaster popping, I grab the toast and put probably too much butter on them while grabbing my bags and heading for the train. Peter and I discovered that we get the same train every day but he just gets off at an earlier stop and somehow we have never seen each other before, so we decided we would get the same train from now on, he gets on the 7:12 train and it gets to my stop around 7:19 so we get around 25 minutes of talking before it reaches his stop.

I run down onto the platform and see the train coming up the track, perfect timing Kenzie. I get onto the second carriage, which is what we decided to both get on, and see Peter sitting down with his headphones in, I smile and make my way over to sit next to him. I sit down and he finally looks up to notice me.

"You look stunning today babe, really diggin' the bad girl look," Peter says while looking me up and down if it was any other person they would be getting a knee in the balls but its Pete so I can accept it.

"Thanks, that was the look I was going for anyway, got to make a good impression on my first day back," I say to Peter winking, he just laughs and grabs my hand in his, intertwining our fingers.

"Well I don't want any boys looking at you, so if anyone tries anything let me know," Peter tells me seriously, I just laugh at him. "what are you laughing at, I'm serious"

"I know you are but I think you are forgetting who knocked out your school bully with one punch," I say to him, he just chuckles.

"That had to be one of the best moments of my life, seeing the look on his face was priceless, and thanks to you he doesn't bully anyone, anymore gives me the odd evil glance but I think I can handle that," Peter says chuckling, I just laugh with him, the memory of Flash on the floor almost crying coming back.

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