Chapter 4

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Mackenzie's POV

I wake up with a groan my ribs sore from yesterdays beating. I decided to get into school earlier today in order to avoid everyone they would definitely be able to notice me wincing now and again especially Kate, I swear that women have like Xray vision.

I lift the covers off myself slowly and make my way to the bathroom, I take off my shirt, the same one I wore yesterday as I don't bother changing before I went to bed, and it reveals a large green and yellow bruise that is likely to change through the colours of the rainbow in the next couple of weeks.

Yayyy can't wait, if you couldn't guess I'm being sarcastic. I hop into the shower and the warm water is soothing on my ribs making me relax a bit more. I quickly get dressed and take my school bag downstairs trying to avoid the creaky stairs as I do so.

I'm about to open the cupboard when I notice an envelope sticking through the letterbox. Huh that's weird we never receive a letter and when we do its normally because Rob has forgotten to pay the rent for this months but we get enough of them for me to recognize it and this certainly is one of them.

My curiosity gets the better of me and I pick up the letter and see it's addressed to 'Mackenzie Morgan Taylor' this definitely confuses me even more, since when do I get letters and when I do Rob normally rips them up saying it's nothing important and I don't dare question it.

Since I'm the first up Rob won't know it arrived which also means he won't notice it's missing, perfect. I shove it into my bag and head my way to the bus stop down the road and make my way to school.

Normally this would be fine with I forget about my ribs, so let me tell you, NEVER, I repeat, never, get on an old bus with bruised ribs its agony.

After that disaster of a school journey, I make my way to the decathlon room that the meetings are usually held in. Since I came earlier I'm the first there which is a great opportunity for me to finally open this mysterious letter.

I turn it around and notice a small symbol in the corner, squinting I pull the paper closer to my eyes and notice it the S.H.I.E.L.D logo, wait aren't they the people who work with the Avengers and are like a super-secret spy organisation? Why the hell are they sending me a letter! I open it up and it reads:

"Dear Mackenzie Morgan Taylor,

I am very sorry to hear about your parents passing, they were great friends of mine I had the privilege of knowing them for over half a decade, however, I was not informed about your identity which is why I have only now been able to contact you now after several months since there passing. If you would like to know more about your parents don't hesitate to give me a call

Yours sincerely, Nick Fury"

"Err what the hell! Since when have my parents been involved with a spy organisation, and who is this Nick Fury fella." I say to myself still in shock over the letter. I'm about to reread it again when the rest of the decathlon team come in and Lucy sits down next to me

"I'm so glad it's today we miss, the volleyball coach was making us do cardio training," she says with an exaggerated sigh. Mrs Jenkins walks in before I can reply.

"Listen up boys and girls, this is a big day for us and this school we have never been excepted to participate until this year so we need to be on our best. Luckily last years winners automatically go into the quarterfinals so we don't have to worry about Midtown until them, but it doesn't mean the competition is going to be any easier. Alright, that's everything we need to be on the bus in five" after that spectacular pep talk from Mrs J, Lucy and I make our way down the corridor that is now filling with students about to start there day.

Before we exit though we hear people shouting are names and after turning around we see the culprits to be none other than our friends cheering us on to win. Chuckling at their silly behaviour we make our way onto the coach and I can't get that stupid letter out of my head.

Why the hell does some guy from S.H.I.E.L.D want to talk to me and how does he even know my parents to begin with. Ughhhh this is stressing me out!

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Peters POV

MJ calls us for a quick team meeting in the bus before we leave

"alright listen up, we may not be competing but if ANY if you act like total dingbats I will make you act the way home," she says glaring a Flash for that last comment.

"And if any of you run off during the day we won't be staying to wait around" definitely aiming that one at me

"You hear that Parker that means you can't run off to your Auntie crying," Flash says snickering to himself.

"Did you not hear me Flash, I said if anyone acts like a dingbat they are going, or are your ears too blocked from your ego to hear me" MJ states making everyone 'oooo' while Flash shrinks in embarrassment and put in his headphones.

After that, we just make our way to the venue. Upon arrival the place is already packed so we quickly find our seats when I suddenly need the toilet

"Hey MJ I'm going the loo, I'll be back in a sec," I say whispering in her ear

"You better be loser," she says with her signature smirk on her lips. I quickly do my 'business' and I'm heading back out when I knock into someone.

"Aghh," they say holding their ribs while hissing in pain.

"oh my God, are you okay, where are you hurt, do you need someone, I'm going to get someone to help," I say rambling afraid I really hurt her with my enhanced strength.

"no-no, I'm fine honestly I got this last night, you just knocked it a bit that's all," she says making me curious as to how she got it then

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you get it," I say hoping the question not too personal

"It's fine and I got it from my martial arts class, the opponent went too hard and kicked me in the ribs," she says causing me to such in relief thinking it could be worse. "Are you here for the tournament"

"Yeah, well no, we won last year so we don't need to compete but we wanted to watch anyways, see what the competition is like," I say explaining our reasoning for attending

"Ahh so your Midtown high," she says raising her eyebrows at the name.

"yeah" I reply a little sceptical at her response

"it's nothing bad we just heard you're really good, oh and congrats on the win by the way," she says smiling widely at the end

"thanks, well I didn't win last year I mean my team won but I wasn't a part of it, I was actually I just didn't go to that match. So technically we won but I didn't" I stop speaking when I heard her start to laugh at me bit suddenly she starts wincing in pain. I quickly go to steady her with my hands

"you're cute when you're nervous just don't make me laugh, it hurts too much," she says lightly chuckling. I'm about to build up the courage to ask for her number when Ned comes running up to me

"There you are dude I've been looking for you forever, we gotta go it's about to start and I did want to see an angry MJ," Ned says making me shiver thinking about an angry MJ. I say bye to my the mystery girl before following ned out. "Who was that girl you were with" Ned asks

"I don't know I never for her name or number," I say honestly

"That's a shame she was pretty," Ned says, I have to agree with you there Ned she certainly was.

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Mackenzie's POV

As the boy gets dragged back to his seat, Lucy comes up to get me as we are going on stage soon "who was that fella I saw you with them" Lucy says winking her eye terribly.

"don't know actually never got his name" I reply, oh well, for now, he's can be called cute-decathlon-boy.

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