Chapter 6

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Peters POV

How do you start texting someone you  have a crush on, do you start with like 'hey how are you doing it's Peter' or more like 'its Pete what are you doing later' but I don't want to sound too desperate you know because then she'll be put off and won't go out with me. Why is this so hard! Alright I'll just text her now

"hey it's Peter"

I hit send and start pacing around my room wondering if it was the right thing to say when I receive a reply back

"The boy from the decathlon tournament?"

I slap my hand onto my forehead for being too stupid to realise we never actually told each other our names.

"Yeah sorry I forgot we didn't get each other names"

"No problem Peter glad I can finally put a name to that pretty face of yours, I'm Mackenzie"

'Mackenzie, huh, that's a really pretty name, suits her' I think to myself. Alright, all I gotta do is ask her out for some coffee or something

"That's such a pretty name. I was wondering if you wanted to meet up later or tomorrow for some coffee or something?" I text nervously, scared that she's going to say no.

"Yeah I would love to Peter, where did you have in mind?" she asks

"I was thinking the Costa in the town. the centre or somewhere else I don't mind either way"

"That sounds great I can only do around after 5 does that work for you?"

"Absolutely that's fine I'll see you there"

"it's a date 😉" she texts back. I do a little dance on the spot as I'm finally going on a date. 'Shit I'm going on a date' I say now panicking, quickly I run outside my room and find aunt May

"May, I need your help" for the next hour me and Aunt may go through my wardrobe to try and decided on an outfit. I even contemplated texting Tony and asking him for his opinion but I wouldn't hear the end of it if I told him I was going on a date. Shit I'm going on a date!

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Mackenzie's POV

I have been stressing all day about this meeting with Nick, what if he is some serial killer luring me into his secret dungeon, that a bit morbid never mind. It 3:45 now and I'm leaving the apartment to head to the Costa down the street I really hope it's this one, he never actually said which one only

'Costa, 4:00 pm tomorrow' which is very spy-like if you ask me. I arrive at the double doors and make my way inside scanning the room for Nick, even though I have no clue what he looks like, I notice a guy wearing a hat and an eyepatch. What the hell, is he trying to be an undercover pirate or something!

Anyways, I slowly walk over to the table in the far corner and sit down in the seat in front of the 'wannabe pirate'.

"Nick," I say confidently, my held high. I'm expecting him to reply but he doesn't.

"it is Nick right," I ask now whispering closer to him and he still doesn't reply making me worried that I have sat down at the wrong table

"Errr sorry sir I thought you were someone I was meeting, I'm just gonna go," I say awkwardly standing up from my seat, I'm about to leave when he looks up at speaks

"I am Nick please sit down" the guy finally says

"well, you could have told me before I made my self look like a total idiot thinking I was sitting down in front of a stranger," I say crossing my arm over my cheat on protest. A light chuckle escapes his lips at this comment.

"I see you have your mothers sarcasm that's for sure," he says causing sadness to flash across my face.

"Well I guess I never knew her enough to know that myself," I say maybe a little too harshly but can you blame me really?

Eve eryone is always telling me 'oh you have your mothers eyes' or 'your hair is just like your fathers' why does everyone else seem to know them better than I did, and this guy comes into my life saying he knew them for half a decade and they are great friends of his, so why have I never met him before now then.

If they were that great of people, why did they hide me from their world, was I not good enough to tell their friends about, did I not matter to them. After my inner rant to myself, Nick speaks up

"I was running a check on you to see if you were the real Mackenzie or a double sent by someone else," he says as if it something completely normal to do

"Oh right yeah forgot you were a spy," I say rolling my eyes at him.

"so you said you knew my parents for 5 years how come I've never heard of you then?" I ask trying to get some answers to this ongoing mystery

"I am a 'spy' as you like to say so I need to have a secret identity, but that not all. I think it's best if I show you" Nick says standing up from his seat and walking out the back of the building, I follow him out to whatever he is showing me. We reach an isolated car that's parked at the back of the cafe.

He starts getting into the drivers side and I'm hesitant to follow as my earlier thought of him being a serial killer doesn't sound so ludicrous right now.

"Are you going to stand there all day or get in" he says causing me to role my eyes and get in the car anyway

"No offence but isn't this car a bit slow, like what are you going to do if you got into a chase and your in this car you gonna get caught and then probably killed so you should really look into investing into a better one" I say looking at his old number, I mean it looks great don't get me wrong I just don't see it going very fast.

Well was I wrong, just as I finished speaking Nick flipped a switch on the control panel and the next thing I know it feels like we are lifting up, I look over the car door and notice the wheel have turned inwards and we are hovering above the ground.

"What was it you were saying about this car again" Nick asks with a smug look on his face.

"Point taken" I say still in awe that I'm literally flying in a car. The car start to lift higher and we go off into the sky, flying over buildings and trees

"Won't someone see us" I scream over the wind

"No it has a cloaking device so no one can see us," he says leaving me in more shock

"Cool cool cool cool cool cool" I say literally fangirling so hard over this invention.

Before I know it we have landed in an alleyway. We get out of the car and the cloaking turns back on, hiding the car from plane site, as we are walking down the street to this mystery destination I notice we are getting closer and closer to Stark tower

"err aren't you like meant to be in hiding from all those files getting leaked, so why are we heading to one of the worlds most know places," I ask a little confused at his actions.

He doesn't reply but carries in walking we make our way around the back of the building, the man likes the back of buildings apparently, we enter through an old rusty door. It opens to reveal a large office square with computers and people running around frantically.

Nick turns around to me and says "Welcome to S.H.I.E.L.D"

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