Chapter 8

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Peters POV

I made sure I arrived ten minutes early which is definitely a first for me since I'm late to literally everything but I want my first date in a while to go right. I find a table by the large window that has a lovely view of the park opposite us and sits down to wait for Mackenzie.

'I swear I'm having major Deja vu right now' I hear someone muttering in the distance, I look up and notice Mackenzie walking into the cafe, her eyes scanning around the room presumably for me. I stand up a little and wave her over she sees me and smiles, might I add adorably, I return the smile happily.

"Hey Peter nice to see you again!" she says going to hug me at the same time.

"Yeah it was nice to hear back from you " I reply while returning the hug, making sure to not squeeze too tightly as my enhanced strength would probably hurt her.

"I was happy to meet up again, you were really nice after the decathlon match" she says making me confused at who couldn't be nice to this girl.

"Why, are people not nice to you?" I ask worried that she's getting bullied like me.

"No no it's not that, it's just at my school most the boys only want one thing from me, they always just view me as an object and it can be really annoying you know" she says a little sad.

I can't believe people would treat her like this, I'm honoured someone like her is even talking to me.

"What the hell that's so rude I can't believe people are like that to you, I would never speak to someone as pretty as you like that," I say causing a small blush to rise up in her cheeks.

"Thanks Pete, that was a really nice thing to say" she just too cute I can't even.

"it's alright. So tell me a little about your self, I heard you go to Rosehill Sport school that so cool isn't it a private school?" I say excitingly.

"Yeah I got a scholarship to do soccer two years ago, I love it there so much I mean I get to do something I love every day, what more could I ask for!" she says enthusiastically.

"That's amazing, I can't kick a ball to save my life let alone run with it," I say causing her to chuckle a little.

"Well maybe I'll have to teach you my skills someday, what do ya reckon" she asks. Am I hearing this right, is she asking me on another date? Stay cool Pete just stay cool all you have to do I say 'yeah sounds great'

"That sounds wicked!" I say, who the hell says 'wicked' jeez I'm a total dork. Luckily she chuckles at my response.

"So you go to Midtown Science school, what's that like?" she asks

"Well we do a lot of science if you couldn't guess but I think my favourite thing is robotics club we build some really cool stuff, like last week we made a fully functioning robot that can take orders from your voice it was epic, my best friend Ned he did all the coding in it and I built the thing, it took us like 2 months to finally finish but it was totally worth it. I'm rambling aren't I" I say shyly, I always ramble when I telling someone something I'm interested in and she just too easy to speak to.

"It's alright, kinda cute if you ask me" she replies whispering the last bit making my cheeks turn a bright red.

"Th-thanks," I say like a stuttering mess.
"what else is there to know about you Mackenzie," I say intrigued about her life

"Like everything that's happened in my life?" she asks a little confused

"Sure, I've got plenty of time," I say.

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