The Start Of A Brand New Story

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Hey, so I wrote this story when I was 13, so he warned going into this, it will start off very average 13 y/o writing, but I promise you it gets better during the later chapters.

Ash's POV

I awake to tapping on my cheek, I open my eyes to see a shirtless and ripped Mush, my good friend.
"Heya, Sweetheart," He says in a mocking tone.
Everyone loves using my Newsie nickname to pick on me. I got my nickname from being the nicest Newsie, well, me and Crutchie, but he already got his nickname.

I'd been to the refuge before, because of my brother, Jackie. I was with him when he got caught commiting a little crime by the cops, so they took me in too. I was only thirteen when I went there, while Jackie was almost fifteen.

Before I was in the Refuge, I had been tough, badass, and mean, yet smart because I went to school. But when I was in there, I was dressed as a boy so that I could stay with Jackie. When the other kids in the Refuge found out that I'm a girl, a couple of them started harassing me. And one night, when Jackie was asleep, one of the boys... We don't talk about what he did.

But I became more scared around guys, even Jackie. Eventually I got a bit better, I wasn't as scared. But I still tried to behave kindly to them, as to not get on their bad side.

But anyways, after me and Jackie escaped, he promised that he would never let boys hurt me again, so he worked as a Newsie to pay for me to go to an all girls school, but times got tough when I got to 9th grade, they raised the tuition price for school. So now I also work as a Newsie and have stopped going to school for a while.

I'd be in 10th grade now and have been working as a Newsie for a couple months, under the alias of Ash. Using the nickname of "Sweetheart" when referred to by the guys, but on the streets I'm called "Sugar" because of my sweet tooth.

I hop out of bed and head to the bathroom, only those close to Jackie can use the in lodge bathroom. I get out of my nightwear and put my my Newsie outfit, braid my hair, and pull it into my cap.

I head out and hear whistles from the others, Jackie knocks one of them in the back of the head and they all shut up. None of us have told them what happened in the Refuge, so that's why they still tease me, but Jackie's here this time.

"You looks beautiful, Sweetheart," Jackie greats me with the same thing he says every day. I smile.

"Awe shucks, thank you, Jackie," I say, pulling out my hair I use to shape my face, "Now let's carry the banner."

"That's my cigar!" I hear Racer yell.
"You'll steal another."
"Hey bummers we got work to do."
"Since when did you become me mother?"
"Ah, stop your bawling!"
"Hey, who asked you?"

I hear Jackie and Crutchie talking. And I hear Crutchie speak, "I tink I need a new selling spot. Somewhere they don'ts recognize me at."

"Try Bottle Alley or the harbor." Mush suggests.
"Try Central Park it's guaranteed." Racer adds on.
"Try any banker, bum, or barber."
"They almost all knows how to read."
"I smell money!"
"You smell foul."
"Watched this girl dream last night." Mush looks at me and winks, I blush and slap his arm.
"Ah, move your elbow."
"Pass the towel."
"For a buck I might!"

We all rush out onto the streets. With happiness gleaming on our faces.

"Ain't it a fine life carrying the banner through it all?
A mighty fine life carrying the banner tough and tall!
Every morning we goes where we wishes,
We's as free as fishes,
Sure beats washing dishes.
What a fine life carrying the banner home free all!"

I watch them all head over the the nuns to grab food, but I sneak off into the ally. Heading off to wherever I can escape to, but I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see Oscar and Morris Delancey.

"Heya boys. How have you guys been?" I ask.

Oscar speaks first.

"What's little Sweetheart doin' out 'ere. Trying to get beat?" I smile at him, trying to hide the fear building inside of me.

"Oscar, you know how much I've missed ya! Really, how are you doing lately?" Morris grabs my throat and holds me against the wall, I scratch at his fingers, trying to get him to put me down.

"Shut up you stupid goil! No one cares abouts you anyway! What do ya say Oscar, shoulds you break out yours brass knuckles?"

I feel tears sting at my eyes, and Oscar sees it too.

"Nah, she's no fun to beat up. She justs lies there and takes it." Morris sighs and lets me down. I fall down and start to break into a coughing fit.

"Yeah youse right. Aight, let's go." Morris and Oscar take off, out of the ally. I sit there for a moment to cry. They could have... Done... Something to me. Like what happened in the Refuge. My breakdowns can be compared to Shell Shock in soldiers, but I've never gone to war so that's not it. I just had a bad experience.

After a good 5 minutes, I get up and go to get my papers. I get there and see Crutchie near the front of the line and see him calling me over. I head over to him and stand next to him.

"Where weres you?" He whispers.

"Wondering, but don't worry I'm fine," I lie, I can't have anyone worrying about me. I have my "Jackie Whistle" for a reason, whenever I'm in danger, I blow on the whistle and Jack or another Newsie comes to help.

He nods and we take our turn to grab our papers, we always work together.
We step up and Wiesel smiles.

"Ah, it's the good ones!" He says happily. Me and Crutchie smile at him.

"Good morning Mr. Wiesel!" Me and Crutchie both say together and pass over our coins.

"A hundred papes ovah here!" Wiesel yells to Morris, he tosses them over. Crutchie and I both count our papers and split them 50/50. I spot two new kids and turn to Crutch.

"I'll head out right now, I think I should get a head start this morning," I say, he nods and I head out. I've always sold my papers really fast, so selling first thing in the morning is a good way to get free time.

I take off to the streets, yelling out stories off the top of my head, things I've only read in stories.

"Extra, extra! Earthquake in Oregon kills hundreds!" I yell, gaining a lady and 2 men's attention. They hand me their pay and I hand them each a paper.

"Have a lovely day to you three!" I say as they take the papers, I start walking in the other direction in case they want a refund. I count how much I got, 3 pennies, a nickel, and oh! A dime! This must be my lucky day!

I run around, selling paper after paper. After about 6 hours, I've sold my last one. I count how much money I have by the end of today, about a dollars worth of money! That's because I'm nicer, and I always smile. At this rate, I should be going back to school in only a few months!

I head off in the direction of the library. Which is where I usually spend my time. I enjoy reading the fictional worlds that these people create. I aspire to be a writer some day myself.

I head the the library bathroom and change out of my Newsie outfit into my regular dress that I keep in my newspaper bag.

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