The Rally And The Alley

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I wake up at the lodging house, noticing that I've been tucked in for the night. This confuses me, because all I remember is walking back into Jacobi's diner and eventually falling asleep on a bench. I notice that Specs is awake, so I walk over to him while he's reading a book and take a seat.

"Hey, Specs, how did I get home? I don't remember falling asleep here," I say, watching his expression grow more confused.

"You don't rememba? Aftah you came back inside, you took one of da boy's beer and drank it. Aftah that, you trew yourself all ovah Spot Conlon. You couldn't stop flirtin' wit' 'im, and he was in love wit' ya. Eventually, Jack had someone take ya back to stop ya from marryin' him." My eyes go wide, then Specs starts laughing. "Nah, I'm kiddin' ya. You didn't drink nuttin'. You jus' feel asleep then Spot decided it was best tah bring you home, and Jack said yes and Spot brung ya here then stayed da night."

"Where's Jackie?" I ask.

"Snyda came by. We didn't need to hide you because you was in the udda room, but Jack was right behind 'im, sos he went tah Davey's house," Specs says. I feel an oncoming anxiety attack, he notices and tries to calm me down by breathing deeply, encouraging me to do the same, which I do."Don't worry, Mr. Kloppman made sure dat he didn't know dat you or he was evah here in the foist place."

"I see youse up early, Ash," a voice from behind me says. I turn around to see Spot, holding a strike sign. "How'd ya sleep?"

"Hey, Spotty. I slept good, not a single nightmare," I say. I can see the confusion in his eyes.

"Nightmares?" He asks. Specs eyes light up, just like they always do when he sees a chance to explain something.

"Sometimes Ash'll wake up and start screamin', usually from memories of da Refuge. Mosta da time, we have tah jus' wait 'til she calms down, but whenevah she falls asleep in a good mood, she don't have no nightmares," Specs says and pushes his glasses up his nose. Spot nods.

"So, Specs, you ready for tonight?" Spot asks, leaning against me. Specs looks at both of us, confused.

"Wait, are you two a thing? Did da king a Brooklyn find 'imself a queen from Manhattan?" Specs teases. I blush and look away from both of them.

"No, Spot and I aren't dating. And what are you doing tonight?" I ask Spot. He sits on a bed and pats right next to him, wanting me to take a seat, so I do so.

"Here's da plan: wese gonna collect newsboys from all across New York. Then wese gonna head to da Irving Hall. And finally, wese gonna talk 'bout what we're gonna do for da strike. Sounds good, eh?" He asks, and I nod.

"Hey, Spot, I heard that Synder came by last night, why was he here?" I ask. He sighs and looks down.

"He's was... He was lookin' for you two, you and Jack. But don't worry, Jack took off tah Davey's house and spent da night there. Snyda don't know either of youse here," he says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Spots. Also, when was the rally decided?" I ask.

"Aftah I took you home, I went back 'nd we all talked for a bit. Did you know dat all them boys thinks ya cute?" He asks, which makes me blush and look away. "Anyways, we started discussin' wit' Denton what we'd do tomorra, sos Davey came up wit' the idea of a rally," Spot explains. I nod then turn to him.

"Why'd you bring me home instead of waking me up? I'd of loved to talk about the rally!" I say, but his looks away, slightly disappointed.

"Well, Jack didn't want ya tah be wit' us when we talked 'bout it." I cock my head to the side in confusion, which Spot catches. "Jack doesn't want ya tah be at the rally. Since it's dangerous for a goil like you tah be around tons of boys if ya catch my drift. And wit' Snyda came by last night, lookin' for you two, dere's a chance dat... He'll be dere to arrest you two and trow you back in Da Refuge."

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