A Steamy Night In Brooklyn

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FUN FACT: Racetrack was the real life Spot Conlon. (And Kid Blink was the real life Jack Kelly)

Oh yeah! Reference to s*x

Spot and I are sitting in the back of the carriage which is riding to Brooklyn. There's a couple hundred boys and girls following suit. One boy catches up and starts talking to Spot.

"Sir, are you really bringin' Kelly's sista tah Brooklyn?" The boy asks. Spot looks at him with an arm wrapped around my waist to keep me close.

"Of course. Why wouldn' I, Oliver?" Spot asks with sarcasm biting the boy.

"Well, for staras, this might cause a borough war if Jack decides tah press inta it," the boy named 'Oliver' says. I smile and put my hand up to say something.

"Sorry to intrude, but Jackie wouldn't do that. I can make sure of it," I say, which Spot rewards me with a kiss on the cheek. Oliver nods.

"Okay, then. But some people might think dat it's weird for ya to be datin' his sista," Oliver points out, but Spot just scoffs.

"Does it look like I care what othas think 'bout me?" Spot asks. The boy sighs and shakes his head. "Good. Now screw off, ya dumbo."

"Spot, don't be cruel," I say, letting him know that I don't like the way he treated that boy.

"Youse right. I guess I jus' didn't want tah hea' 'bout us bein' happy makin' things woise," he says, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"That's so sweet. But c'mon! Let's do something fun!" I say, trying to get him to be less like a lovebird and more like a partner in crime.

"Like what?" He asks.

"Steal!" I yell, my eyes as wide as a cartoon for the dramatic effect. He chuckles and brushes a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"But darlin', you already stole my heart," he says. I put on a sweet smile, which quickly turns into a smirk. I can see the fear in his face.

"And your cane," I say, holding up his cane in my hand which was once in it's holder. He looks shocked and snatches it back.

"Damn, youse a sneaky thing, ain't ya?" He says with a smirk. I nod, sitting back in the carriage. "Looks like someone's showin' dere true colors, eh?" He asks. I duck away, trying to hide from his statement.

"No... Maybe... But I want to do something dangerous. All I've ever done is play is it safe, and I don't wanna do that right now," I say. He nods, looking around at everyone.

"We'se almost at Brooklyn, sos whiles we wait, do you have any ideas of what you wanna do? Like, in detail?" He asks, which makes me think. I don't really know what to do.

"I... Have no idea," I say with a chuckle. I can see him thinking for a moment, then a spark ignites in his eyes.

"I'se got an idea. It'll be fun," he says in a tone which lets me know that he's being vague on purpose.

"Mind telling me what it is?" I ask. He just shakes his head and looks forward. I know that no matter how much I'll beg, he won't tell me. "Well, I know that I'll probably have fun."

I watch the people walking with us slowly break apart, walking to their own jobs and homes. The only people still following are the Brooklyn newsies. I can see the Brooklyn bridge coming into near view.

As we cross over, I feel anxious. Not the good kind. It's probably because we're crossing on a carriage for the first time. The feeling is gone as soon as we finish crossing the bridge, however.

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