Robin Hooded Princess

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Also I did some research, $1 in 1899 would be worth $30.10 in today's money. So that's a big 'ol difference.

I'm currently on the train, watching people getting on an off while I wait for my stop to come. One lady gets on the train and she has a really fancy purse, which happens to fall right in front of me. I pick it up and tap her on the shoulder, ready to return it to her.

"Miss, I think you dropped-" I begin, but she just scowls at me.

"I'm sorry? Who said that a low-life like you can talk to me?" The woman says with a snarky voice.

"But you d-" I try to speak again, but she pushes me away with just the flick of her finger.

"Leave me be, you orphan," she says the last word like it's a curse and walks off the train. I'm stuck standing there with the purse in my hand. I take a seat again and look inside of it, seeing what she lost. Holy crap! Four dollars! Plus a bit of makeup, jewelry, and things like that.

My stop is next, and I almost jump off the train and book it back to the lodging house. Once I burst through the door, all eyes are on me.

"Guys, you'll never guess what I found!" I yell, holding up the purse, which collects all the boys around me.

"Is there any money in theh?" One boy asks, and I pull out three dollars and a couple dimes.

"Does four dollars count?" I ask, which makes them all stare in awe and take a bit of the money, which I allow. Jackie walks up to me and takes the remaining three dollars.

"Ash, did you steal this?" He asks. I shake my head.

"No, Jackie. A lady on the train dropped it and I tried to give it back but she wouldn't give me the time of day to even look at me before running off the train. So I wouldn't say I'm stealing from the rich, but I'm definitely giving to the poor," I say with a smile, which he returns with a kiss on the forehead.

"You're a good kid. Now, what should we get fah dinner?" Jackie asks everyone. All the boys shout at once, trying to get Jackie to consider going to their place.

But I can't help but think about how good I felt when bringing home money for them. I'll maybe try and do more things like that. Not stealing, but something close.


It's now November, and I've stolen about a total of $40 in just two months. ($1250 today). Earning so much money has earned me the nickname of, A.K., because I always slip a note into the person I stole from that just reads A.K., for Ash Kelly so I guess I'm pretty famous.

I even made front page news one day! The headline was "A.K. The mysterious thief". Not even the newsies know it's me. I hide the money in my mattress and only take out a bit of money every night to feed the boys. I told them that I have a part time job, but only I know the truth.

Sometimes I'll carry two dollars worth of money on me just to give to kids who are working on the streets. Like Robin Hood.

"Hey, Ash, be careful on the way tah school, a'ight?" Jackie says while we wait for the train, which confuses me.

"Why? I mean, I will. But why say that today?" I ask Jackie, who just looks to the ground and sighs.

"You know about A.K., the poirson who steals from the rich peoples 'nd stuff. You normally wouldn't be stolen from, but you dress real fancy now, sos I'se worried dat youse gonna be mugged," Jackie says, which makes me internally laugh.

"Don't worry, Jackie, the person only steals from adults. So I'll be safe," I say, which makes him quirk an eyebrow.

"Wait, how did you know dat they only steal from adults?" Jackie asks, I start sweating and think up an excuse.

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