The Cipher's Code

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I awake to a splitting headache, my head against the floor, and I'm in a bedroom. I begin to stand up, feeling a heavy weight be lifted off my chest and look around. I realize that I'm just in a regular bedroom. There's a large bed, a dresser, bedside tables and candles. 

There's light from a window, but when I look at it, the window is boarded to the wall, only letting in about a couple inches of the outside seen. I know that this was done intentionally, because there's nails everywhere, blocking people from looking in, but probably more accurately, me getting out.

I then remember the look of this house. This is the abandoned house Spot and I stayed in that one night when I hurt my hand. Those were the days.

I walk up to the door, carefully opening it, only to be met directly with Luis. I stumble back and fall against the bed as he walks into the room.

"Luis. Please. You don't have to be a criminal, please, just let me go. I won't tell Spot, nor Leo, please," I say, even though I know he's too far gone. But his response is only a chuckle.

"Do you think I care anymore? They nevah would've come back tah me anyway. But now I have you. And you're gonna pay fah gettin' my way," Luis says, using his height to tower over me.

"But I already did. I nearly died. I was in the hospital for nearly a month. Please, just let me go," I cry out. 

"But your brudda didn't pay. Now, I'se got a plan. You'se now mine. Forevah. And your stupid brudda's gonna know dat. He's gonna know everythin' that happens," Luis says with an evil smirk, letting me know that there's no humanity left in him.

"So what are you going to do?" I ask, trying my best just to get a grasp on the situation. He shrugs and looks around the room.

"Do you remembah ya foist time?" Luis asks, my eyes go wide in shock. "Yeah, dat. You'se basically gonna be like a wife. You stay home, clean the house, cook me dinnah, we have some fun, then repeat, while I go to woik. Doesn't that sound fun?"

"You- you're a fucking monster," I stutter out. He only smirks and leans down.

"I know," he says ever so calmly. He then starts to walk out of the room. "I expect ya to meet me downstairs within 'bout ten minutes, before I go tah woik." Before he leaves the room, he looks back at me. "Oh, and before ya think of escapin', all the windahs are boarded, no one lives next door or within screamin' distance, and I have da only key to the outside woild. Love ya."

I'm stuck. Frozen. I can't move. All I can do is stare out the window. I don't know how long I've been lying on the floor for, but eventually, I stand up. I begin to walk down the stairs and see Luis sitting at a small dining table. He looks up at me and smiles.

"Welcome, darling. Please, take a seat," he says, gesturing his hand for me to sit in front of him. I do so, knowing that I have no other choice. "Let me lay down the ground rules.
One, every wednesday and sunday, we send a letter to your brother. I'll write mine, you'll write yours. I don't care if you tell him what I told you. In fact, it would scare him more, which would be ideal. But the only thing you cannot do is give him any hints to your location. No telling him about the boarded windows, no neighbors, and things like that. 
Two, I expect dinner every morning and when I come home from work. If that does not happen, you will be severely punished.
And three. This one's less of a rule and more of a warning. The lock for the front door is hidden in a safe with a combination, so if you ever got the idea to kill me, you must know that you will starve here. Alone. Got it?" He asks. I nod.

"How long have I been out?" I ask. He smirks knowingly.

"Just a couple of hours. But it's wednesday, so that means we write a letter. So here," he begins to say and pulls out two pens and two sheets of paper, which he slides one of each to me. "Take your time."

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