Surprising School Stories

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Even though Sofie helped me feel less alone through this, I still can't help but feel betrayed. Spot was there for me when I had no one, he helped me up when I got knocked down, he didn't care about what people disagreed with him being with me, and it felt like he loved me.

It's been about a month since Spot cheated on me. School's tomorrow and I'm spending the rest of my night up on the roof of the lodge, which is where I go when I'm stressed. So all of the newsies know that I'm still upset.

Jackie offered to keep me company, but I declined. I really just need to be alone right now. I know that if I needed anything, the boys would clearly help, but I just feel... alone.

I'm only using a thin blanket to protect me from the cold New York nights. The stars in the sky shine brighter than everything else, even the moon. The cold and the light skies around me gives me a constant reminder that no one else is here. I have no one here. Not even Spot. Spot did try to apologize after the whole thing, but none of the Manhattan newsies will even let him look across the Brooklyn bridge.

The worst thing of all is the fact that I still miss him. I can't turn it off no matter what I try. I need him here, holding me, kissing me, making me feel loved. But I can't let that happen. He's a horrible person.

"Knock knock," I hear a voice whisper from the ladder up to here. Looking over to who made the sound, I see Mush already hoisting himself up onto the roof.

"Hey, Mush. What'cha doing up here?" I ask him, not really in the mood to talk to someone. I take my seat back in the corner of the roof that has apart to protect me from the cold.

"I'm here to keep ya company. Plus it's freezin' out here, so you might die if you don't have anotha blanket," Mush speaks, his voice displaying such gentleness, that I can hear how much he cares about me just by how he speaks.

"I'm kinda looking for some alone time. By myself," I say, but it comes out very passive aggressive.

"Yeah, I know dat. But I really can't let you," Mush says sadly, then takes a seat right next to me. "Listen, your school's tomorrah, which is in about two hours. I can tell that youse not gonna try tah sleep. Please, just let me keep you company."

I think for a moment. He does have a very good point with everything he just said, so should I let him. After another minute of thinking, I let out a long sigh.

"Sure. Why not?" I ask. I can practically hear his excitement as he wraps his blanket around the both of us and his arms around me. I can't lie and say I don't feel any warmer or better.

I want to thank him, say something, do something to say how much him pushing the boundaries means to me. But all I do is close my eyes and let my body sink into his and rest my head on his shoulder.

As I look up to the buff boy beside me, I see him looking into my eyes. Without warning, his lips are on mine. It's very quick and I don't have any time to process what's happening. As soon as he pulls away, he looks down at a confused and scared me with a face of shame.

"Holy fuck. Ash I'm so sorry! I don't even know why I did dat! I don't even like ya like dat! I sweah! I- I'se sorry!" Mush worries. I hold my hand up, shushing him.

"Hey, it's alright. I mean, it isn't, but just... don't do that again," I tell him, and he nods. I can feel him slowly trying to move away, but I place my hand on his shoulder, looking into his eyes. "I know you didn't mean it. And I know you don't have romantic attraction towards me, and I don't have any towards you. So please. Don't leave me alone."

Mush only nods, wrapping his arms back around me and keeping me warm. I can't help but let my eyes close and feel my consciousness slip away.

On The Docks | A Spot Conlon Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now