Come To The Fair, The Best Day Of The Year

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Please check out my Newsies oneshots book! I need more reads and requests because I only have 30 reads in it! Please!

"Is she gonna be okay?" I hear a voice whisper.

"She should be waking up soon, but she won't be able to walk for at least a few more weeks," another voice responds.

I try my best to pry my eyes open, seeing a dozen or so blurry faces in mine. There's many gasps and they almost all move away.

"Ash! Youse alive!" I hear my brother yell. I look up to his face, which is still slightly blurry, and try to smile, which hurts me. "Hey, take it easy, Sweetheart. How ya feelin'?"

"... I can't feel anything right now. But I'd venture to say that I'll be in pain if I move," I say with a scratchy voice. "How long have I been out?"

"About two days. Even the doctas thought you was dead. But thank god that Luis didn't get ya in an artery or ya lung, 'cause he was close," I hear Mush say. I feel my chest starting to hurt from just thinking about him stabbing me again.

"Who's in here with me?" I ask, not being able to see right now.

"Jack, Mush, Boots, Leo, Blink, Spot, Race, a docta, Davey, Sarah, and Les," I hear Jackie say. I smile, trying to control the blurriness of my eyes.

"Oh, wow. So many people here to see me. But why can't I see any of you?" I ask. I hear someone in high heels walking next to me.

"The medication we have you on to ease the pain is currently obscuring your vision because you had to take so much at once. So your vision should be back in about two more days. If you still can't see after that, please do tell that to one of your nurses," the lady says with a kind voice.

"What happened to Luis? And how serious are my injuries?" I ask, not remembering much of how I got hurt.

"That fucker and his goons' in jail. I sweah, when I see my bruddah again, he's as good as dead," I hear Spot say, which makes me smile at how much he cares. The doctor then clears her throat.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that, because I understand why you'd say that. But anyways. You were stabbed in between your arteries, lungs, and just in between your ribs. If he had just been an inch off with stabbing you, you'd be dead. You also got whipped in the back with chains, your throat was deeply cut, you were punched in the face quite a bit of times, and you had gotten a concussion. I've never seen anything this gory in all my years of being a nurse," the lady says.

"Holy god. How's everyone else? Are they alright?" I ask.

"We'se alright, already mostly healed. But youse shouldn't be worried 'bout us. You should be worried 'bout healin' up. And hey! You also saved many people's lives! You saved mine, Leo's and mosta da newsies who was 'bout tah be beaten!" Jackie says.

"Oh wow. That's good. How's this being paid for, though?" I ask.

"Luis had lotsa money, so we used that! We even have a few dollews left ovew!" Leo says excitedly. I smile, letting out a quiet laugh.

"You guys should get back to work. Let her rest. She's desperately in need of rest," the nurse says. I hear the footsteps of everyone leaving the room. A few people even leave me kisses on my forehead as they leave, while Spot kisses me on my bruised lips.

Every day, people come in to talk, joke, play, and cry. And the nurse was right, after two days, my eyesight was back. Spot would always bring me gifts, every single day. Jackie would always update me on how the other newsies were, even though they would always check up on me. Leo, the little guy, always tries to give me the biggest hugs, even though I'm still in pain, but he always apologizes afterwards.

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