Chapter 14

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I woke up after a terrible nightmare.

I was being chased by someone and I couldn't see his face, the darkness hid him so well. At first I thought it was the King, but he wasn't as muscular as the King so he must be someone else. Daniel held me close to his body the rest of the night and so the nightmare stayed away.

I haven't really saw a nightmare ever since I first slept with Daniel by my side. I thought he could make nightmares stay away, but I guess one of them found its way through my head.

The morning light was comforting, it meant that the darkness wouldn't be back for at least some hours. "Are you okay?" Daniel asked me while I was brushing my hair. I nodded unable to answer, he came behind me and I stared at our reflection in the mirror. His hands on my shoulder, me looking like a love sick puppy and he being strong and in love at the same time.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.  "Let's get some breakfast" he whispered and took my hand.

Everyone were at the dining room. The King sitting at the head chair he was eating and throwing glances at Jenni at the same time. She was sitting quietly ,for the first time, next to Clair. "Good Morning Daniel, Cathy" said the King. "Good Morning" me and Daniel said at the same time.

The room was silent for a couple of minutes, the only sound was coming from the forks which were hitting the plates. "So, since you are going to stay here for a while until I decide what I shall do with you, I decided to provide each of you a servant" said the King. "A servant?" Jenni asked him looking at him straight in the eyes.

The Kings's expression softened and replied. "I believe its for the best. A servant will help you get dressed, fetch you things. Everything you need" he said. "I don't think" Jenni went to disagree, but the King didn't let her. "I didn't ask your opinion Jenni" he said, "A servant will follow you and that's it" he finally said and left.

"Seriously what's his problem?" Jenni asked looking annoyed. Only if she knew!

The King's will became reality. A little girl around the age of 16 was following me everywhere. She only left me when I was with Daniel and the only thing she did then was to be a couple of feet away. Daniel had a male servant, just like Lucas and the girls had female servants.

Sally,my servant, helped with everything. She was mated with Stephen Daniel's servant and she said it is the best job as long as she is with her mate. "Anything else madam?" Sally asked me while we were in my bedroom and combing my hair. "no thank you" I said.

Daniel and Lucas were out with the King. He invited them to go play football and they couldn't say no. When Daniel told me that I was quite astonished, I didn't know or believed that the King was able to play football. I mean of course he is a guy and not old, but he always seem so strict and knows what he is doing, he just doesn't seem the kind of guy he plays games.

Around noon I was sitting at my room with my friends when Daniel came back from football. "Who knew that he can play!" he said and kissed my cheek. "The King?" Jenni asked and Daniel nodded, "He plays pretty good. And I must say that when he doesn't act like a King he is pretty cool" Daniel also commented.
"Alpha, I don't think you should be close with the King" Clair told Daniel, "And why is that?" he asked. "Well....." she begun to talk, but she stopped. I knew why, because he will made Daniel dump me.

"I know" Daniel said at last and went straight to the bathroom. "Don't be like this" Clair said, "Like what?" I asked pretend to be okay, "I know you. You seem worried Cathy" she said. "I'm fine there is nothing to worry about.", "Okay then!" Jenni suddenly said. "Let's go and leave you guys alone" she said, grabbed Clair's arm and got out of my room.

"They left?" Daniel asked getting out of the bathroom, fresh showered.  "Yep" I said. He came next to me and sat cross-legged at the bed. "What is it?" he asked me. I shake my head trying to tell him its nothing, but he doesn't buy it. He takes me into his arms "Is it about the nightmare?" he asks, I shake my head again.
"Everything is going to be okay. I promise" he says and kisses my hair.  I raise my head to kiss him. When our lips connect is like fireworks exploded, its like this every time we kiss.

His hands are on my back while we keep kissing and kissing. Daniel lower me to bed, never breaking the kiss. His lips move to my neck, my throat.

He was about to continue and I was more than ready, when there was a knock on the door. "What?" Daniel snaps, obviously irritated because he was being interrupted. "Excuse me" Sally says, "The King wants you. Its about his decision" she says. Me and Daniel freeze at the same time.

This is it. He made his decision, he is going to make us break up. "Come on" Daniel says. He takes my hand and we follow Sally in the King's study. "Come in my friends" he says.

 Daniel's hand is holding tight my own. "You wanted to see us?" Daniel asks the King. He nods. "Yes, sit. I have been thinking about you, what I can do. You know that a bond like yours is unacceptable. You, Cathy, are human. And you, Daniel, are werewolf." he says, "We are aware of that" Daniel says.

"And what are you going to do?" he asks. "What do you mean?" Daniel ask him. "You know Daniel, I like your mate.  She has potentials" says the King. "I was thinking that we could turn Cathy" he says.  I feel Daniel tense. "I don't know" he finally says. "Oh, but that is not a decision you can make. It's Cathy's" he says.

"Explain to me" I demand. "There is a way to make you a werewolf. You can be like Daniel" the King says. I look at Daniel, he seems like he is confused and anxious. "I will do it" I say after a moment of silence. "Very well, we are going to set a date then, how about in two weeks?" he asks, "Okay" I whisper. "You may go then" he says.

Daniel gets up abruptly and pulls me along with him out of the King's study. He drags me silently to our room where he releases my hand. He goes to the bed and sits at the edge. "Do you know to what you agreed?" he asks me, "Daniel" I begun, "No" he says with his Alpha voice, "You will be in pain before you finally come to the stage of being fully werewolf." he says.

I lower my head unable to look at him. "I don't want you to be in pain" he whispers. There is a distance between us, one I can't stand. I move fast and I bury myself in his arms.

At first he was surprised, shocked, but then he composed himself and his arms circled around me. "Let's get some sleep. We talk in the morning" he says we both get to bed.

I rest my head on Daniel's chest, thinking about my transformation. I thought that it was impossible, but if there is a way to be with Daniel then I will go that way.

Even if it means I will be in pain.....

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