Chapter 2

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 I woke up the next morning with an image of Daniel on my mind.
I felt like I was in a haze or something, the events of the previous afternoon still playing in my mind like scenes from a movie. An awkward -from my part- movie.
If Stephanie knew I even dared talked to him I would be dead in no time, that girl just doesn't like me and I don't know why. I mean, I know my appearance is not similar to a  goddess's or something, but I am not a total loser. There are other girls worse than me and she doesn't even bother them, she doesn't even pay attention to them, it's just me she liked to pick on and basically make sure my life is nothing but a complete mess.

After 5 minutes of just laying on my bed thinking about Daniel, Stephanie and my miserable life I decided that it was time to get up and get ready for yet another day at school. I went into my en suite bathroom and had a nice and relaxing shower, I wanted to be faster, but the water wasn't letting me go. When the hot water was run out -approximately 15 minutes later- I hopped out of the shower and went straight to my closet. I wore some jeans and a t-shirt with the logo <Good Girl>, the first time I wore this at school I was been terribly humiliated, but I was feeling like a good girl today, or I simply wanted to mentally show Stephanie that I was being a good girl and away from her man.

When I got down to the kitchen for breakfast my parents were already out like every other morning.
I ate my cereals quickly and before I knew it I was out on the road going to school. I was only a few blocks away from school when a car slowed down next to me and moved along with me. The window opened to reveal Daniel alone in his car.
"Hey Cathy, want a ride?" he asked me smiling right at me, for a moment I thought I should say yes, how many times does a guy like Daniel offer to drive you to school, but an image of a really pissed Stephanie popped into my head and I quickly shook my head "no" to him and kept walking.
 "Why not? Come on Cathy!" he said pleading, "No, its okay I can walk" I said and walked faster. From the corner of my eye I saw him nod with a pained expression.

I crossed the road and got into the school area, the bell hadn't rung yet so I casually walked in silence to my locker. I was taking out my books when I heard someone next to me, I closed my locker and next to me was Daniel in all his glory, with a newfound smile and pleasant expression on his face. I jumped in surprise and he chuckled, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" he said still chuckling, "No, it's okay" I replied.
"So," he said, "why didn't you want to ride to school with me?" he asked in a conversation tone. "I-i-i i could clearly walk" I stuttered, "Oh, I know you do. But you know I live near you, I could take you to school every day if you like" he said.

My heart started pounding in my chest, I wanted so bad to accept his offer, but no I could not do that.
"It's okay, i'm sure you got to ride with Stephanie, um i- bye" I said and hurriedly walked away from him.

"What? You can't be serious" screamed Jenni to me at lunch when I told her pretty much everything. "I am and keep your voice down" I whispered, "Oh, come on the dude wanted you to ride with him" she said, "No, Jenni. He was probably messing with me" I reasoned with her, "Or not" she objected.

"Want to come my house and sleepover?" Clair asked us when she came and sat with us with her tray full of food with her, "When?" me and Jenni asked at the same time.

"This weekend" she replied, "You mean tomorrow" I said and she nod.

"I will ask my parents" I said. "I can't, I got homework all weekend" Jenni replied, "We feel sorry for you" Clair said and I laughed at her irony.

The rest of the lunch passed by like every other time. Stephanie humiliated me by throwing her tray of food on me and people laughed. Jenni and Clair took me away from her, when we exited the cafeteria I run straight into the girls bathroom. It was a common thing for her to do stuff like that in the cafeteria, but it just hurt me every single time and although I try to be strong and don't break down, I never make it. Clair went to take our stuff and ask permission to leave early while Jenni stayed with me in the bathroom trying to make me stop crying.

"You won't believe it " said Clair when she got into the ladies bathroom, "What now?" Jenni asked her, "Daniel literally screamed at Stephanie" she said and my eyes opened up wide.

"What?" I asked her, "When we left he took her by her arm and drug her out of the cafeteria. When I went to take our stuff I heard Daniel telling her that she won't ever talk to you like that or humiliate you in such way and if she does it ever again he will literally kill her" she finished and my eyes opened up once again, so much that I thought they were going to pop out.

"You can't be serious" Jenni said.
"I am so serious, I bumped into my brother on my way here and he said that Daniel told Stephanie to back off from you and from him" she said while Jenni laughed and I burst to more tears.

They both hugged me and tried to make me feel better, but the only thing I wanted was to run to my house and dissappear. I felt like I was about to pass out , I couldn't hear my friend's voices clearly, but I did hear a male's voice.

What the hell, he was saying, I will take her home. The male voice said and soon enough I felt someone's hands all over me. Suddenly I was no longer on the ground, it felt like I was floating, I tried to open my eyes and see my hero, but I just couldn't and then there was only dark.

When I opened my eyes again I was on my bed in my room. I looked around and next to me was Daniel lying with his arms around my waist sleeping. He stirred when I moved and he opened his eyes, those beautiful green eyes.

"You're awake?" he asked me and I nod. "You need anything? How do you feel?" he asked me sounding really worried. "I am fine, my head is a little heavy, but I am fine" I said.

 "What happened?" I asked him. He took a deep breath before replying to me, "I took you home when I found you in the ladies bathroom with Jenni and Clair, they are downstairs, I wanted to stay with you" he said. "Why?" I asked him, "Because...i-i" he didn't finish his sentence, because then Clair and Jenni burst into the room and started asking if I am okay. I told them I am fine and they went to the kitchen to bring me something to eat, "So, now that you are okay I should go, but call me if you need me. My number is already on your phone" he said and with that he left the room.

I was staring at the spot where he just left for a long time before Jenni and Clair came back to the room with a tray full of food. They sat at the bed with me and put a movie on, we were chatting and watching the movie until my parents came and Clair explained everything to them. They left us rest and called Jenni's and Clair's parents telling them that they would stay over for the night and tomorrow I would stay with Clair at her house.

We went to sleep after talking about how nice to me Daniel was today and I smiled at the memory of him laying next to me with his arms curled around me, my bed was more comfortable with him there. I drifted to sleep playing that memory again and again

and again...

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