*Stone Cold*

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Hello everyone! Here's a quick authors note before you begin reading!

This book is a little over three years old! I wrote this in my freshman year of high school so my writing has changed. Things in this story may appear childish/cringy and for that I am sorry.

   There also are a lot of grammatical errors and for that I apologize as well.

Slowly I may redo chapters but I do not plan on doing it any time soon. This book will most likely stay how it is.

Another thing, I see all comments!! Though I do not reply to all of them I do still see them so please be mindful of that.

Thank you for choosing this book, it means a lot. I hope you enjoy it!

Charlie's POV

I walked around the small diner finishing off the last few customers for the night. It was currently 12:05 and I was trying to finish as fast as I could. That book I started yesterday isn't going to read itself.

"Thanks, darling, it was good to see you again." Larry, one of our normal's here said. I smiled at him.

"Come again soon Larry," I said before walking behind the counter. I watched as Larry left, leaving me to be the only person in the small diner. A small smile was set on my lips and I closed the shop.

I grabbed my coat and walked out of the double glass doors. I turned around and locked them before starting my mile walk home. The one thing I hate most about not having a car is walking home from work in the dead silence. It doesn't help that it is completely dark out. Well I have a car but driving it to work is something that just isn't worth doing, no matter how much I regret not bringing it on late shifts. The car is also a rust machine.

As I was walking down the street I heard a scream coming from the ally way just ahead of me. I stopped walking. I just thought it was my imagination so I kept walking. Then I heard it again. Slowly, I walked towards the ally and peeked my head around the side to see what was going on.

"I told you I can bring you the money by tomorrow, just please don't kill me!" A male's voice pleaded. I heard a deep chuckle.

"I needed it by tonight. I have given you too many chances to get this yet you haven't taken any of them. Goodbye." Another voice said. Then the sound of a gunshot rang through these empty streets. I saw the body of a man drop to the ground. Blood pooled around him on the street.

The man who shot him turned around to walk out of the ally. Bright silver-blue eyes locked with mine. His eyes were captivating. I couldn't stop looking at them. I was getting lost. After I snapped out of my trance I examined him. Then it hit me. Fear washed over me and my eyes widened.

Jacob Sinclair stood in front of me in all his glory. His stare could kill you if you looked in his eyes for too long. His stare was stone cold and sent chills down my spine. Jacob actually goes to my school. Everyone including all adults fears him. Even the cops, that's why no one has tried to stop him.

He sits in the back of the class and normally doesn't pay attention. He just sits there on his phone, normally wearing an angry expression. I've never talked to him and since school doesn't start until tomorrow I haven't seen him either.

I wanted to run. I wanted to turn my head away from his and sprint as fast as I could to my house but my fear had kept me locked in my spot. I was frozen, caught like a deer in headlights.

His stare turned angry. His eyes closed into slits. It felt as if he were staring into my soul. I instantly began shaking. He then slowly started taking steps towards me. I instantly dropped to the ground and shook.

"Please don't kill me. I am too young to die. I need to take care of my mother, and I need to cook her food. I also haven't had dinner and if I were to die I would like to have a last meal, but also I need to finish my book. Who else is gonna read it." I rambled. I sat shaking for a few more seconds before I looked up at him. He stood there with a raised eyebrow and a completely emotionless face.

"Get up." He said.

"If you are gonna kill me I would rather you do it on the ground. When people find me I'd prefer not having my head dented in by the cement." I retorted.

"Get up, now." He said glaring once again. I instantly stood up. His eyes scanned down my frame. He took in my work uniform, the way my hair was styled, and the stance that I was in that had shown off my fear.

"I want you to turn around and run. I want you to run all the way to your house and don't look back at me. If you look back I will shoot you." He said with a straight face. I looked at him but didn't listen. His eyes kept me trapped

   "Y-You want me to run. I know I don't seem that heavy but I seriously don't run. I mean I ran track once in freshman year and I nearly died. Then again coach Harold made us run up and down the bleachers a hundred times each practice." I rambled again. Jacobs glare darkened.

"Go, now!" He yelled. He didn't have to tell me again before I took off and sprinted down the street towards my house. I listened and didn't turn around. I could feel his cold stare on my back as I ran.

   God I really want to stop running. This hurts my legs. No one I stopped running track in high school.

   I wonder what would happen if I turned around and took a peak. He'd kill me, that's what would happen.

   Although death sounds more appealing than this running.

When I saw my house in the distance I pushed my legs harder. As I got inside I shut the door and locked it. I would be lying if I didn't say I was out of breath.

   "I love my bed and cosmic brownies far to much to be doing this." I spoke breathlessly while leaning against the door. My hands on my knees as I tried to catch my

   I shook my shoulders a tad before walking up towards my bedroom. It has been a very long night. I walked into my room and instantly plopped down on my bed.

Why didn't Jacob kill me? Did he know who I was? There was no way he could know who I am. I am the outcast who sits under a willow tree at lunch. The outcast who sits in the back of the class and doesn't talk to anyone.

   Maybe I should call the police? God knows they wouldn't do anything if I had. Even the police are scared of him. It was be useless.

My thoughts were all over the place. I felt the darkness trying to take over me. Without changing I let it. I slipped into the darkness and just let all of my worries go.

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