*The Sickness*

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Charlie's POV

I heard the ringing of my alarm clock and instantly got into a bad mood. Sitting up I felt like I was going to pass out once again. My stomach twisted into knots. Choosing to ignore it I stood up and walked over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie.

I trudged to the bathroom and looked into the mirror. I instantly cringed. I looked like I had gotten hit by a bus. I was pale and my cheeks were flushed. I just shrugged at my reflection and hopped into the shower.

   I of course had to put on my sad playlist in the shower. I mean who doesn't listen to sad music in the shower. No matter how horrible I feel I will always have a mini concert for my shower wall.

Getting to school, I finally decided to take my moms old car. I don't drive it much because of how much I can't really afford gas. It's all beat up and rusted as well. I drove to school and parked towards the back, where I know not many cars will park.

I grabbed my bag and got out of the car. I trudged towards the school, but with each step I felt like I was going to pass out. I pushed past the feeling and went inside the school.

Instantly I saw the eyes of my best friends, who were leaning up against my locker. They were smiling and laughing until they saw me. Concern laced their features.

When I got to them they looked me up and down before slightly cringing. Well that hurts.

"You kind of look like a total bum." Mike spoke. I rolled my eyes and opened my locker, shoved my stuff inside, then grabbed my stuff for my first class.

"I feel like one too." I said but my voice came out scratchy. Yikes, maybe I should of had some water this morning.

"Hun why didn't you stay home." Laura said pulling me to her side giving me a side hug. I shrugged and made my way to my first class, English.

I sat down in my normal spot and stared out the window. I completely blanked out and didn't even notice when someone had sat down next to me. I kept staring out but then I felt a hand shaking me slightly.

I turned my head and locked eyes with the silver blue ones that I have come to see often. He looked at me with a blank face but his eyes held a slight amount of emotion, concern.

"Are you good?" He asked me quietly. I went to nod but my head felt like it was going to explode. I grabbed my head and groaned.

"Come on." He said standing up putting his hand out. I grabbed it slowly as he lead me to the front of the classroom. He said a few words to Mr Gibbon but my head hurt too much to pay attention. I could hear the quiet whispers of the other students that filled the classroom.

He led me out of the school and to his car, but before I got in I stopped him.

"I drove here." I said, my voice came out in a scratchy whisper. He shrugged and opened his car door for me. I got in and when the door was shut I instantly but my head on the window. He got in on his side and started up the car.

The ride to my house was dead silent, you could hear a pin drop. As the car was stopped I got out of the car quickly. I felt like I was actually going to throw up any minute. Jacob came around behind me and put his hand on my lower back.

He led me up the steps of my house and opened the door. He led me up the stairs and into my room. Almost instantly I turned around to face him, stopping him from moving forward. He looked down at me in confusing.

Without thinking my arms shot out and hugged him. He tensed up at first then slowly relaxed, his arms circling around my waist. I didn't even know what I was thinking hugging him.

"Thank you for helping me get home." I said. He looked down at me and nodded slowly. He led me over to the bed. I instantly got comfortable as the urge to sleep was big. Jacob turned around and started walking towards the door but for some odd reason I didn't want him to go.

"Please stay." I said quietly. I don't know what had come over me. Letting a man I didn't know, a man I saw kill someone, sit in my room when I am vulnerable, but something inside me says I can trust him. Jacob instantly turned around and looked at me with his normal hooded expression. With a quick nod he pulled my desk chair beside my bed and sat down. He just sat there looking at me with curious eyes.

"Tell me about yourself." He said suddenly.

"Well, I'm 17. I am going to be 18 in December. I have a three step siblings. I love being outside. I love reading and writing. I hate most cooked vegetables, and I love food more than myself." I said listing off simple things about me. He nodded but he kept his face blank.

"What about you?" I asked.

"I am 18." He said. I raised my eyebrow, as if asking if he were done. He did a quick nod and looked away. Then it hit me like a truck. I could feel it at the bottom of my throat. I sprung out of bed and sprinted towards my bathroom. Almost as soon as I got level with the toilet I threw up my last meal.

I felt my hair being pulled back into a ponytail, then I felt a hand rubbing smoothing circles on my back. After I was done i wiped my mouth and moved back against the wall. I looked up at Jacob to see him looking down at me with concern. I smiled slightly up at him.

I leaned back and rested my head up against the wall. That felt like acid going up my throat and now my throat burns. The taste wouldn't leave my mouth and it made me want to throw up again.

"I am so sorry that you had to see that." I said looking down at my hands like they were the coolest things in the room. I would normally brush my teeth after throwing up but at this point that was the least of my worries. 

"Don't apologize. Come on, let's get you back to bed." He said putting his hand out towards me. I hesitantly took it. Jacob slowly led me out of the bathroom and into my room. I sat down on my bed not taking my eyes off of him.

"Rest now." He said in a serious tone. I nodded and rested my head against my pillow.

"Thank you again Jacob." I said slowly drifting off into sleep. The last thing I felt was a pair of lips on my forehead before the darkness completely closed in on me.

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