*Morning Pancakes*

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Charlie's POV

     I woke up to movement on my chest. Confused I opened my eyes. I looked down to see Jacob stirring slightly. I thought he was going to wake up but as soon as he got comfortable soft snores left his mouth.

   I smiled down at him and began to thread my fingers through his dark brown hair. I heard a pleasurable groan leave his lips as I did this.

   He looked so peaceful as he sleeps. At this moment I don't see how anyone could ever be scared of him. On the back of his neck was a start of a tattoo. The top was shaped as a triangle and the bottom of the lines cascaded down his back which was blocked by his shirt, making it impossible to see the rest.

    As I was admiring him his arms tightened around my waste before I felt him stir awake. I didn't take my hands out of his hair and just continued to play with it. His eyes shot open and those silver blue ones instantly locked to mine.

    "Hey there sleepy head." I said smiling down at him. His face remained blank as he looked at me. My instant thought was 'did he regret staying here last night.'

    "How about I go make us some food?" I asked looking away from him. A hand instantly left my waist and it grabbed my chin, pulling my head back towards him.

    "How did you do that?" He asked me almost coldly.

   "Do what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow. His arms tightened around my waist as he kept perfect eye contact with me.

   "How did you get me to sleep." He said plainly. My eyebrows furrowed. How the hell am I supposed to know how I got him to fall asleep.

   "I don't know. I played with your hair as you laid on me and the next I knew you were fast asleep. Is there a problem with that?" I asked getting aggravated with him by the minute.

   "No." Was all he said before he stood up and went into my bathroom. As every second passed I grew more aggravated. I huffed before standing up and making my way out of my room. I grabbed his now clean clothes out of the dryer and threw them on the ground by the bathroom.

   I walked downstairs and instantly started looking for something that I could make for breakfast. I grabbed out the pancake mix and some sausage and began cooking.

   I didn't even realize he was in the kitchen until I heard the noise of a stool being pulled out. Just as he sat down I slid a plate of sausage and pancakes to him.

   "Morning pancakes. Eat up. I don't care if you don't want to, you are eating." I said clearly annoyed. I turned back around and began flipping more pancakes.

   The whole time I did this I didn't hear a fork hit the plate once. Once my plate was made I turned around hoping to see him eating. Instead he sat there staring at me.

   I rolled my eyes and walked to the island. Instead of sitting next to him I stood and started eating. He still just sat there and watched. As soon as one of my pancakes were gone he picked up his fork and put a piece of pancake in his mouth. He didn't seem to hate my cooking because he ate the whole plate, and some of mine that I didn't want.

   After doing the dishes in silence I walked back upstairs to my room. I was about to walk into the bathroom but a hand circled around my wrist and I was pulled into a hard chest.

   "God dammit Charlie. Why are you mad now." He said darkly. I just looked into his now dark eyes.

   I don't know how to tell him why I am mad. I don't even know why I am mad myself. Maybe i'm mad because of how cold he acted when we woke up or maybe because I realized that there weren't anymore cosmic brownies in the cupboard. I think the more true reason would be on how he acted cold this morning.

   Maybe he did regret coming over after what he did. Maybe he regrets giving me that hug last night that led to him sleeping on my chest. It hurts to know that there is a possibility that he did not like it and would take it back without a second thought. Maybe just maybe that is why I am mad but I can't just tell him that.

    "Just forget it, it's not important." I said biting down onto my lower lip, a habit I do often when I am nervous. He slowly walked over to me. It had looked like a predator stalking its prey. He stuck his hand out and pulled my bottom lip from between my teeth with his thumb. 

   He then moved his hand to my cheek while caressing it with his thumb. This whole time he did not take his eyes off of mine.

   "What are you doing to me Charlie." He whispered.

   "I don't know. I didn't think I was doing anything." I said looking at him confused. He just shook his head and looked down at me. He slowly dropped his hands back down to his sides and put some distance between us.

   "Want to watch a movie?" I suggested. He nodded with a small shrug. I smiled and grabbed his hand, dragging him into the living room.

   After a good ten minute long debate on a movie we decided on The Fault in Our Stars. Jacob argued that the movie was going to be boring and stupid but as soon as I showed him my puppy dog eyes he said he could watch it.

   We were over halfway through the movie and I was completely bawling my eyes out. Jacob didn't even notice I was crying until I let out a sob. He looked over at me and then instantly opened his arms.

   I basically waddled over to him. I sat down in his lap sideways so that I could still see the movie. Every sob that escaped my mouth his arms would tighten around me.

   By the end of the movie I was a complete mess. I couldn't stop crying while Jacob kept a completely straight face. Not a single look of sadness could be traced.

    "H-How did y-you not c-cry." I said stuttering due to my mental state. He just looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

   "It was not sad at all. The ending was very predictable." He said with an emotionless tone. I stared up with him with my mouth wide. He rolled his eyes and used his pointer finger to lift my chin up, closing my mouth.

   "You might wanna keep that closed or you will catch flies." He said with a straight face. I scowled at him. His eyes scanned over my face before he pulled something off his wrist.

"Will you wear this. It will keep you safe when I can't. I need you to be safe." He said twirling the bracelet around in his hand.

"Why would that keep me safe?" I asked turning my head slightly. Tears still ran down my cheeks from the sad movie we had watched.

"If something were to happen to you anyone who saw this bracelet would know what they are dealing with." He said keeping eye contact with me. With a nod I held out my wrist so he could put the bracelet on.

"I just want you to be safe." He mumbled really quietly, so I'm guessing he meant for only him to hear but I heard it.

It was a black chained bracelet with a silver snake hanging from it. It was absolutely gorgeous.

I pulled myself out of his arms and walked upstairs. I could hear his footsteps following behind me. When I got to my room I instantly walked over to my bed.

   I prepared myself before I jumped straight onto my bed. I bounced slightly but got into a comfortable position fast.

   "Why are you sleeping? It's three p.m?" Jacob questioned with a raised eyebrow.

   "I like my sleep." I said shoving my face deeper into my pillow. I heard a small chuckle before silence. I heard the noise of footsteps going to leave and I instantly picked my head up.

   "Please stay." I said looking at him. He looked back at me. It looked like he was trying to figure me out with just one single look. With a small nod he walked over towards the bed and laid down next to me.

   I instantly cuddled up to him. I laid my head on his chest and wrapped my small arm around his waist. He tensed up completely. It felt like I was laying on a stone. Slowly he relaxed at my touch.

   His hand began to run slow strokes through my hair. I easily fell asleep to the feeling of him playing with my hair and the light thump of his heart beat.

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