*Last Warnings*

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Charlie's POV

    I had been out of the hospital for a week and Brittney has made my life a living hell. When Jacob would hold my hand or have his hand around my waist during school she would stare at me with this evil look in her eyes. The look frightened me. Ben had told me not to worry but something in me deep down knew I should still worry. 

   Simple little death threats were given to me almost daily. Some were for me specifically and others were for my friends. I showed Ben all of them and he just laughed them off and called her pathetic. What if she is actually being serious and does something. 

    Jacob and I walked hand in hand to his locker. He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek muttering about havening to go meet Austin for something. I smiled at him and made my way to my locker. I put the code in and gasped as I saw what was inside.

   All of my books, notebooks, pictures, and my jacket that I keep in here for when it gets cold, were all torn to shreds. A simple little note glided through the air before landing on my shoes. I bent down and picked it up and opened it. A picture of my mother in the hospital dropped out and onto the ground. My heart instantly dropped.

   Wouldn't want dear old mommy to be ripped apart just like these books now would we. This is your last warning bitch. End things today or else you wont see your mother alive again. Don't even try faking it, I have eyes everywhere.


  When I had said yes to being Jacob's girlfriend I never would have thought that it would blow this out of hand. I never would have thought that something like this would end up happening because of it.

This has gone to far. This isn't what it should be like. Death threats towards my friends and mother. Getting all of my stuff torn to shreds. Beating me nearly to death and left me in the streets to die. She made it so I had to spend three days in the hospital.  I can't take this anymore. 

   I put the stuff in my locker before slamming it shut and walking out of the school building and towards where Austin, Victoria, and Jacob sat talking. I froze in my spot contemplating on if I am actually going to this. Then I thought about my mother and how she got the threat. Angry tears streamed down my face as I made my way towards him. 

    "Can we talk, like right now." I said gaining the attention of the three. Jacob took in my state and nodded standing up. He tried to grab my hand but I pulled back and walked towards the willow tree I always go to. He followed behind me slowly.

   "What's going on, what's wro-" I didn't let him finish. 

    "I shouldn't have said yes to being your girlfriend." I blurted. His jaw instantly clenched and his eyes turned cold. 

    "If I would have known all of this would happen I wouldn't have said yes." I said quietly. I instantly regretted it as soon as it had come out of my mouth. 

   "What has happened?" He snapped at me. I froze and looked up at him. His stare was cold but I could see he was confused about what I was talking about.

   "Jacob I'm sorry. Please just forget you ever met me that day. Just remember me as the nerd in the back of the class who drops her books and trips over air. Forget about our friendship and our relationship. It's o-over." My voice cracked when the word over left my mouth. 

   I didn't want it to be over but these threats had gotten to serious. It brought the one person I love more than anyone in the world into it. I couldn't let anything happen. I dared and looked up at Jacob and for the first time since I've met him hurt flashed in his eyes but he quickly masked it over. 

   Without him realizing I slid the ring off my finger. I opened up his hand and slowly put the ring in it. I heard his breath come out ragged and his chest rose and fell quickly.

   "Please keep it." He whispered. His voice sounded rigged and broken. I nodded slowly before sliding the ring back onto my finger. 

   "I know what I just did is fucked up but can I please just have a final hug. I just want one to remember by." I said looking down at the ground. Tears falling out of my eyes. 

   "Yes." I heard him reply and instantly I wrapped my arms around his waist and laid my head on his chest. His arms went around me and he stuffed his head in my neck. After a few seconds I pulled away and planted a small kiss on his cheek. 

   I moved back and looked at him one last time as more tears fell. He looked pained and broken. 

   "Goodbye Jacob." I said quietly.

   "Goodbye Charlie." He whispered back. Before I went against my inner battle and change the actions I just did I turned around and ran. I ran away from the school as more tears fell out of my eyes. 

   I didn't even realize when I had gotten home. All I remember was laying on my bed and crying until it physically hurt me to.  

The sad thing about love is that it is something all humans were made to have. Some people cherish it while they still have it while others take it for granted. I took my love for granted and lost it.  

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