*Fudge Brownies and Hot Doctors*

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Charlie's POV

      Everything fucking hurt. I felt like my brain was about to explode. I fell in and out of consciousness. I don't remember much but what I do remember was that there were voices. Many, many voices.

   Everything was dark. I constantly felt like I was falling but I never hit the ground. There would be times it would feel like I had landed on something soft, like a white fluffy cloud. Then other times I didn't land on anything and just kept falling. 

    I slowly peeled my eyes open at the sound of the voices for the first time today. I instantly regretted opening my eyes due to the bright light over my head. I groaned slightly which made the voices stop talking. I tried again to open my eyes and this time they successfully stayed open.

I looked around the room and saw Jacob, Ben, and a doctor looking at me. They looked relieved. I looked back up at the ceiling and closed my eyes again.

After a few moments I heard feet shuffling and I could feel the presence of them next to me. I opened my eyes again and looked at them.

"What happened?" I asked holding my head. It feels like it is about to explode from pain.

"You were badly hurt and we had to rush you into surgery." The doctor said handing me a glass of water. I took a big gulp of it when it all hit me like a bus. Brittney, the alley, the kicks, her threatening Victoria. My eyes widened without me even realizing.

"I have done my check up so I will leave you here." The doctor gave us a quick nod before he exited the room. Instantly Jacob grabbed my hand.

"Who did this to you?" He questioned, an evil glint rested in his eyes. I instantly thought about the threat she had said to me if I had told anyone she had done this. I can't risk anyone's safety.

"I-I don't know. It was dark and I couldn't see any faces." I said looking down. I heard him scoff. He dropped my hand and stood up.

"Bullshit." He said before storming out of the room. I sighed and looked up at Ben who looked at me with sad eyes. 

   "I have a surprise for you." He said trying to lighten the mood. I raised my eyebrow at him. He walked over to me and sat a dark brown bag onto my hospital bed.

   "Oh my god, did you bring me drugs!" I scolded him as a joke. He just rolled his eyes, a small smile played on his lips. He pulled a long narrow box out of the bag and i'm pretty sure I drooled over to the contents inside. Cosmic fudge brownies, my absolute favorite.

   "Ben you really know how to win my heart." I said with a smile. He smirked at me and passed the box to me. I scooted over a little bit and made room for him to sit down next to me. He did as I expected and laid down, his arm going behind my head.

   "So who really did this to you honey." He said looking at me through the corner of his eyes as we watched Grey's Anatomy on the small hospital TV. I paused the show and turned to him slightly.

    "Do you promise not to tell anyone. This is a life or death situation we are dealing with here." I said slowly. He nodded but I could tell that behind his eyes he was scared of the answer.

    "It was Brittney. She led me into the alley and kicked and punched me multiple times. She said that I have to break up with Jacob and that if I tell anyone she did it she would go after Victoria. I can't let her get hurt because of me." I said a single tear falling from my eye. Ben was quick to wipe it away. 

    "Honey you can't let her control you like this. Victoria is a strong woman, she can protect herself, especially from someone like Brittney." I guess I never really thought about it like that. Victoria works with Jacob so I am guessing she has done training so she is pretty strong. 

    "Thank you Ben, still please don't say anything until I have this all figured out." He nodded at me and turned back to the TV.

   "Did you see how hot some of the doctors here are. They are like walking gods." And so Ben started.

   Here we were, me after surgery eating a cosmic brownie, Ben eating a brownie and going on and on about the hot doctors. 

   Sorry for the short chapter!

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