*Did You Just Burn Your Butt?*

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This chapter will contain a lot of pictures!! (17 in total). This is also going to be a long chapter!

Charlie's POV

I didn't think that the day of prom would be so hectic but it really was. The girls had come over at 10 and woke me up my plugging my nose, cutting off my breathing.

    I sprung awake gasping for air. I looked around the room and instantly looked at the girls who stood in front of me with an innocent expression. My eyes narrowed.

    "It's prom day bitch!" Laura said getting on my bed and jumping. I grabbed the pillow and groaned, shoving it over my head. I closed my eyes hoping to catch some more sleep but the pillow was ripped from my hands and I began to get hit with it.

    My hands shut up to cover my face from the assault.

    After the attack was done I sat up and glared at Victoria who looked at me with a huge smile.

"Get up! We have to start getting ready and we have to go get our nails done." Laura rambled grabbing my hand and started pulling me out of bed. I plopped on the ground with a loud thump. Victoria let out a small giggle.

    Laura slowly dragged my half asleep body toward my closet. She reached in and dragged me into my closet. She let go on my hand and it landed on the ground with a thud. I just rolled over and shut my eyes trying to sleep again. It is way to early for me to even think about functioning.

Laura began tossing my clothes around my closet trying to find something for me to wear. Eventually she threw a pair of black jeans and a green hoodie at me.

"Get dressed. Our nail appointment is in 45 minutes." She said leaving and shutting the door behind her. I sighed and began getting dressed.

After being dressed I went into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I cringed looking at my hair in the mirror. It looked like a rats nest. I brushed out the knots and threw it up into a messy bun before making my way out to my friends.


We pulled up to Nanny's Nails with just ten minutes to spare. We all got out of the car and piled into the small nail salon. The smell of nail polish and nail polish remover hit my like a ton of bricks.

Instantly the three of us were separated and taken to different nail stations. This small frail women led me over to a station in the corner.

I sat down and placed my hand in her out stretched one. I swear I saw her cringe. My nails were that bad. I hadn't done them in a while so they are very uneven.

As the lady worked on my nails she would say things in Chinese to the other workers. I swear they were talking about me since the lady kept glancing in my direction, but what would I know, I don't know Chinese.

The three of us had decided that we would get acrylic nails. I have never done that before so I decided my senior year prom would be the perfect first time. Victoria was the first one done, Laura followed, leaving me to be last.

When we got to the car we finally decided we would show off our nails to each other.

Victoria has decided to go with a black sparkle nail look:

    Victoria has decided to go with a black sparkle nail look:

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