*Roses Are Red*

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Charlie's POV

     I sat in English class with my back to Jacob, although I could feel his gaze on me. Ben rambled on and on about this guy he had met. Oh I think I forgot to mention, Ben is gay. 

    "He literally had the most adorable smile ever. Oh my gosh and don't even get me started on his hair. It was curly and oh my I just wanted to run my fingers through it!" He groaned slightly making me look over at him with a raised eyebrow.

   "You and your mystery man sound adorable." I said with a laugh. His smile beamed at me. Ben and I have become close these past few days. I can already consider him one of my best friends. Jacob wasn't keen on me having him as a friend but as soon as he was gay he warmed up to the idea.

   Jacob has been oddly protective over me recently. He always had his eyes on me where ever I went during school. A freshman accidentally bumped into me and the look Jacob gave him made the kid pee his pants, literally. 

   As soon as the bell rang I was up and ready to get out of the class. When I stood I felt a hand on the small of my back. Based off of the warmth of the hand I instantly knew it was Jacob's.

   "Come with me." Was all he said as we walked towards my locker. I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow.

   "I can't just leave during the middle of school." I said with a laugh putting my stuff in my backpack since I have gym. I zipped up my bag and was about to shut my locker but Jacob reached in and grabbed my bag. He put it over his shoulder and turned around, walking towards the school exit. With a huff I shut my locker and followed behind him silently. 

  He led me out to his Camaro and opened the door for me. I slid into the seat as he shut the door and walked over to his side. He put my backpack in his back seat and started the car. It jumped alive with a roar. He pulled out of the school parking lot in a hurry. 

   I looked out the window and just let him drive where ever we were going. A little bit into the drive I felt his warm hand on my thigh rubbing circles with his thumb. I looked down at his hand, a blush coming over my face. I looked over at him to see him roll his eyes with a small smirk. I just turned my gaze back out the window.

   After about 10 minutes the car pulled up to a small tattoo shop. I looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. He just walked out of the car and over to my side opening the door for me. I got out of the car and walked into the building. 

   The smell of rubbing alcohol was in the air. It made my nose scrunch even smelling it. Instead of complaining I just followed Jacob into the store. 

   "Jacob my man! What brings you here?" A man in his maybe mid forties said.

   "I want another tattoo." He said crossing his arms. The man nodded and sat out an idea book in front of us.

   "I don't need that." Jacob said blankly. I on the other hand opened the book and began going through all of the beautiful designs that were on the pieces of paper.

   "Okay come with me. You can keep looking at those if you please." The man said with a smile. I smiled back and turned to Jacob to see him already looking at me. 

   "I will be back." He said before walking away with the man. I grabbed the huge book and sat down on a couch in the corner. After about forty-ish minutes of waiting Jacob came out with the man. Plastic wrap was around a small part of his arm. He walked over to me instantly. 

   "I want one." I said as soon as he got close enough. He instantly froze.

    "Why?" He asked me with a raised eyebrow. I just brushed past him and walked over to the man. 

   "Can I have this tattoo please." I said showing him the design I had drawn while waiting for Jacob to finish. The man nodded before nodding at me to follow him. I started to but Jacob grabbed my hand. 

   "Once this is on your skin you can't go back." He said looking at me in the eyes. I could see his hesitance with letting me do this in his eyes. I just gave him a reassuring smile and squeezed his hand slightly. 

   "I will be right back." I said. He nodded and let go of my hand. I finished following the man back. 

   My tattoo took about a half hour to finish. I would be lying if I said it didn't hurt. It did but not a lot. It was a bearable pain. The tattoo I had gotten was a single rose. (Show above). I had gotten it on my side. I got the rose because it was my moms favorite flower and I wanted something to remind me of her when she passes away.

   The man wrapped up my tattoo and sent me off to the front desk to pay. I had the money to pay but as I was about to Jacob swiped a silver card. I looked up at him with my mouth slightly open. He just rolled his eyes and signaled for me to follow him out of the shop. 

    "What did you get?" I asked him as soon as we got in the car. He looked over at me quickly before looking ahead.

   "I'll show you later." He said quickly. I nodded before turning and looking out the window. 

   "What about you?" He asked me. I looked back over at him.

   "I'll show you later." I said with a smile. He rolled his eyes and smirked slightly. I looked back out the window which is what I find myself doing often when I am in his car.

   My stomach just had to ruin the silence by letting out a loud grumble. My eyes eyes widened and I looked over at Jacob. His smirk intensified and I swear I heard a small chuckle escape his perfect lips. A blush crept onto my cheeks.

   "Taco Bell?" He asked. A smile grew on my lips.

   "Of course!" I cheered. He just rolled his eyes, amusement clear in his silver-blue eyes.  

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