*We All Have Pasts*

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Charlie's POV

    No, no, no, no. This can't be happening. Not now, not ever. 

   "Hello class, I will be your sub for the next few days while Mr. Gibbon is out with his ill mother." His voice hasn't changed one bit. I tried to shrink back into my chair as much as I possibly could. 

   "I will be going over attendance now." Everything was the same as it was. He still had the same slicked back black hair and those vibrant green eyes. He still had broad shoulders except this time they were a little more buff. He seemed a little taller and that is about all that has changed. 

   "Ben Lukenson!" He called out which made Ben shout here.

   "Jacob Sinclair." Jacob muttered a here sounding completely annoyed. 

   "C-Charlotte M-Mack." He said stuttering on my name. His head snapped up and we locked eyes. A wave of fear and disgust washed over me. 

   "H-here." I muttered quietly. His gaze lasted on me for a few more seconds before he started going down the list again.

   "Looks like Mr. Hottie teacher has in interest in you." Ben said with a wink. The thought made me sick to my stomach.

   Throughout the whole class I could see Mr. Blacks eyes drift over to me here and there. He tried to not make it obvious but it was very obvious. The thought of his eyes on me makes me want to throw up. 

   "Charlotte may I speak with you after class." Mr. Black said with a few moment left of class, breaking the silence of the whole classroom. I froze in my spot before giving a curt nod and looked away from him. Whispers filled the classroom. I could feel Ben and Jacob's eyes on me but I couldn't bring myself to look at them.

   When the bell had rung I walked to the front of the classroom and looked out the window, not looking at Mr. Black or the students whispering about me as they walked out of the classroom. 

    "I see your back in town." I commented quietly after the door was shut and all the students had left. 

   "I am." He said slowly. I nodded and looking down at the ground.

   "What did you want to talk about?" I asked looking up at him to see him already looking up at me. 

   "I don't know. I just, I just wanted to see you alone. It's been a while. Although I did want to apologize for what I did to you, in my freshman year of college." He said. I instantly froze at the memory.

   "I cant do this." I turned around and stormed out of the classroom, tears streaming down my face. Jacob stood along the lockers on the other side of hall, like he was waiting for me. He looked at my state in confusion.

   "Come with me." Is all I said and began walking out of the school building. Jacob followed behind silently as I led him to the willow tree I always sit at outside of school. I sat down and waited for Jacob to do the same.    

    "You are probably curious on how I know Mr. Black." I said not looking at him but out of the corner of my eye I could see him nod.

   "My freshman year Laura and I decided to go to a college party. We were stupid but Laura had a connection and got us in. I had gone into my rebel stage of being a teenager and we went to parties all the time just none like this one." I sighed and pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. 

    "Laura went and got us some drinks so I went out onto the dance floor and danced my little freshman heart out. I felt cool that there were a bunch of college guys that found me hot or attractive. It put me onto some type of high. Laura came back with a drink and she got wasted. I on the other hand was only tipsy." My voice began to shake. Jacob reached over and put his hand in mine and interlocked our fingers, almost like a sign of comfort. 

   "While I was dancing this man put his hands on my waist and rubbing himself against me. I know basic party dancing. I turned around to be met with Jordan, also known as Mr. Black. He was a freshman in college at the time. We both had a lot of fun and we got to know each other." I paused for a second.

   "We talked a lot outside of the party and became really good friends. On the weekends when he wasn't busy with college he would come over and we would hang out. After we were close for a few months he took me to this one party a friend of his was holding." 

   "I didn't want to go but he said it would be fun so I believed him and went with him. It was fun, well until he got drunk. I went to the bathroom and he held my drink for me. When I came back he told me to down my drink. After that everything became fuzzy and I don't really remember what happened until the next morning." I paused trying to calm my breathing. 

   "I was tied up to the bed and I was completely naked. Blood and bruised were all over me and the bed sheets. Jordan, Mr. Black laid on the bed next to me with no clothes on and was fast asleep." I paused and looked over at Jacob. He looked ahead of us with his jaw clenched. His hand, the one that wasn't holding mine, was clenched tightly into a fist. 

   "I was found by Laura who untied me and gave me clothes. She took me home that day and she reported it to the police. Since I had no proof it was him he got away with it. He moved away after the whole case closed but now he is back. He got away with raping and beating me." I said tears running down my cheeks. He pulled me over to him and held me close.

   "He apologized for what he did back in the classroom and he looked serious but whenever I see his face I remember what he did to me." I said crying into Jacob's shoulder.

   "He's dead." Jacob muttered to me and kissed my forehead.

   "I get it if you don't want me anymore. I'm used and dirty." I cried harder. He pulled me even closer to him if that was even possible.

   "We all have pasts Charlie. Some worse than others, but the past doesn't define us now." He said kissing my tear stained cheeks. 

   "I love you." I blurted out. After I realized what I did my eyes opened wide. The sides of his lips twisted upwards.

   "I won't say it yet." He said before kissing me. I nodded into the kiss before pulling away.

   "Thank you for listening." I said. He smiled at me slightly before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. 

   "Lets get you home where you can get ready to go shopping." Jacob said pulling me to my feet. I nodded. 

    Maybe Mr. Black coming back to apologize means he has changed. Maybe he isn't like he used to be. 

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