*The Death Grip*

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Charlie's POV

    I walked slowly down the hallway of my high school. Students chatted while others were grabbing books for their classes. I walk down these halls everyday yet something feels odd.

     The hall isn't as loud as it normally is. Students are acting anxious and acting like they just wanted the day to end.

    After I got to my locker I looked around. Then I realized why everyone was acting like they had spotted a ghost.

    Justin Thomas was back.

If you don't remember Justin is someone who was dead set on making my life a living hell. Him and his friends were set on making high school years miserable just because I didn't help Justin on an assignment in freshman year.

Ever since I didn't help Justin and his friends would all gang up on me and do all sorts of things to me. Slap me, pull my hair, push me up against lockers. You name it he and his goons probably did it.

At the beginning of this year he was sent of to Germany with his family to work on his 'anger' issues. No one expected him to be back so soon. Just judging my the evil smirk on his face he hasn't changed one bit.

His eyes along with his goons, Grecken Mage and George Luke, scanned the halls. Well that was until Grecken's eyes landed on me. The corner of his lips tugged slightly into a smirk. He nudged his friends and pointed at me.

In that moment I just wanted to disappear. Where is Jacob when I really need him. The three goons stalked towards me slowly.

"Well, well, we'll, if it isn't my favorite little mouse." Jacob said reaching his hand up and twirling his finger around my hair. I flinched away slightly. This just made his smirk grow.

"I'm glad to know that after all these months you are still just as scared of me. You've gotten prettier my little mouse." He said, his eyes scanning over my frame. His friends snickered in the background.

He reached forward and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear, making me flinch once again. His smirk only grew.

"Oh how I've missed you." He said before grabbing my wrist quickly. His hands tightened into a death grip.

"Just the memories of what I used to do to you in these same halls pleases me. We'll have to do this again soon." He said his eyes searching mine. I just looked at him with pure fear.

"Is there a problem here?" A new voice spoke up. I looked over Justin's shoulder to see Austin and Victoria standing there with their arms crossed. Justin looked back at me and smiled evilly. He dropped my hand and turned to them.

"Nope, just talking to a good friend. Have a great day Austin and Victoria, it was nice seeing you again." He said with an obviously fake smile. They just raised an eyebrow at him. Then he turned back around to me.

"Goodbye my little mouse." He said with that smirk before leaving, his goons following silently behind him. I just watched his back get smaller and smaller as he walked down the hall.

"Oh my god, Charlie are you okay?" Victoria said quickly coming up to me. I just couldn't tear my gave away from the person who bullied me for years. I quickly recollected myself and turned towards my friends. I gave them a soft smile and nodded.

"I'm okay." I said quietly. They didn't look like they had wanted to believe me but did anyway. I grabbed my stuff for English class and went there without saying a word.

I stayed silent for most of the day. Jacob never showed up to school but for some reason I am glad since I didn't want him to meet Justin. Justin would tell him things about me that I don't want told quite yet.

    I walked out of the school building with my head down. My head may have been down but I stayed on complete high alert just in case the goon squad decided to show their faces again.

      I thought I was finally going to make it off school grounds safely, until I heard the voice of the man I've come to fear.

    "Hey little mouse wait up!" I heard Justin yell. I instantly froze. I could feel his presence before he even got over to me.

    "Let me go home Justin." I said in a low voice. His friends behind him snickered like I had made some type of joke.

     "You may have gotten away from me earlier today but you won't now. You won't have anyone to save your useless ass." He said gripping my shoulder tightly. I flinched at the contact.

    "Hey Justin, it looks like the bitch got herself a boyfriend." George said pointing at my ring. Justin's gaze traveled down to the ring that sat on my finger.

      I think I was just delusional but it looked like a stroke of fear flashed across his features. Then it hit me, Justin was scared of Jacob. Justin quickly composed himself and a small smirk rested on his lips.

     "She must be paying him a shit ton. I mean look at her. She looks like scum on the bottom of a shoe. No one would like her." Justin joked crossing his arms.

"Please just let me go home." I pleaded quietly. They all scoffed slightly.

"Why, so you can just go cry to that boy toy of yours? How fucking pathetic." Justin spat at me. I just shook my head and tried going around them.

Finally they let me pass but as I was doing so George stuck out his foot making me trip and land on the cement. I tried to brace myself for the fall but all it did was cut up my hands and knees.

The three of the goons started laughing. Justin then leaned down to my level.

"See you tomorrow little mouse." He whispered in my ear before standing up and walking away, his goons following him.

I silently stood up and started my walk home. Why is Jacob never there when I actually needed him. Justin is back and this time I know he won't stop at nothing until I am completely broken.

As soon as I got home I went straight up to my room. As soon as I opened the door I let out a loud scream. Sitting on my bed was Jacob. He was playing with a pencil while his gaze was on me.

Almost instantly his gaze dropped down to my scraped up hands and knees. I could see his jaw clench. Due to the fall my sweatshirt had ridden up and revealed my bruised wrist.

"I wasn't at school for one day. One fucking day and you come back home all cut up and bruised." He said out through clenched teeth. I didn't say anything and just looked at him.

"Who gave you the bruises on your wrist Charlie." I didn't say anything and just walked over to him. He instantly sat up and looked up at me. I just bent down and hugged him. He tensed at first but slowly relaxed.

"Can we please just not talk about it right now. It's been a long day." I said into his chest. He nodded and leaned back so I was laying on his chest while he was laying on the bed.

"I'm going to kill the person." He stated running his fingers through my hair.

"I don't want you to." I said into his chest. He just hummed. No matter how much Justin deserves every punch and kick he'd get, I just don't see justice in killing him.

"That won't stop me." He said rubbing my back lightly relaxing my tense muscles.

"I know." I stated ending the conversation. I put my head into his neck and closed my eyes. I felt him place a soft kiss to my temple. Finally after a long day I fell asleep to the steady beat of his heart.

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