*Take a picture, it will last longer*

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Charlie's POV

     "I had a tea party with the bad men." I said smiling up at him. He didn't say anything and just kept staring. I raised an eyebrow at him.

   "Take a picture, it will last longer." I said innocently. The corners of his lips twitched up as he scowled at me. He walked over to me and cut the ropes from around my wrists.

"Let's go." He said softly while leading me out of the room. I looked down the hallway to see four large men in black body armor. They held guns, which looked to be AK-47's. They all nodded in acknowledgment towards the two of us.

"Check the rest of the rooms and the top floor. Don't let there be any survivors." Jacob snapped at the men. They nodded and began breaking open the other doors. Jacob then grabbed my hand and began leading me through the house.

Once outside I sighed. I don't exactly know how long I was stuck in those rooms but it felt nice to be out. The rooms were two compacted and I just love being outside. Jacob led me over to two black vans.

"Wait here." I heard Jacob say. The sound of arguing could be heard slightly. Of course not listening I followed behind him slowly. Blake, Max, and Zander all sat on their knees with three men holding a gun to their head. Jacob began stalking towards them but I ran around him.

     Once I got close to the three of them they looked at me with a pout. I scowled at them before dragging my hand across each of their faces, slapping them.

    "Damn you three. I told you to leave." I growled at them. The bowed their head to me and didn't say a word.

    "We are sorry Charlie. We tried but they got us." Max said slowly. I crossed my arms and glared at the three of them. Slowly my frown started to turn upside down and I laughed.

    "Idiots." I said laughing at the three of them. They looked up at me with a confused expression. I turned around to Jacob who looked at me baffled and slightly angry.

    "You were gonna let them run?" He questioned, his anger evident in his voice.

    "Well I know if you found them you would have shot them and I didn't want that. They threw a tea party for me, untied me, and gave me a cosmic brownie. How could I have let you killed them!" I huffed throwing my arms above me.

    "Damn it Charlie! You can't even fucking trust them. Did you forget they were the ones who kidnapped you! Or the fact that they work for the god damn enemy." Jacob snapped at me. I was slightly taken back but I didn't show it.

    "If it weren't for them I would have been stuck in a cell with no food or light. They saved my life so I owe them theirs. If you kill them I'll go with them." I said stepping back in front of my new friends.

    "Charlie look at us." Blake said. I turned around to face them to see them looking up at me with sad eyes.

    "We knew what we were doing when we kidnapped you. We knew the price that would eventually come. It's our time to go." Zander spoke.

   "It's alright Charlie, let us go. We have to pay the price of what we did." Max said. Tears streamed down my face as I shook my head.

    "Jacob I swear to god if you kill them I will never forgive you." I said turning back to Jacob.  His cold stare turned even colder.

    "Let then join your gang. They are strong and they can be my guards. They can protect me from the other enemies you have. Please just don't kill them." I dropped to my knees and sobbed.

    "Put your guns away." Jacob snapped at the men behind the three idiots.

     "If you trust them then I trust you, but if they fuck up they won't be the only one getting punished." He growled down at me. I sobbed and nodded my head.

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