*Lights, Camera, Action*

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So for this chapter it may not sound like an actual prom based off the fact I have never been to one. I am only a sophomore in high school so I will not experience it until next year. So I apologize now if it doesn't seem realistic.

Charlie's POV

     "Give me my chicken tender back dickhead." Victoria yelled at Ben smacking him on the back of his head. He dropped the chicken tender and rubbed his head.

    Currently the group of eight of us sat at Mack's diner eating before we head off to prom. Our new waiter, Jim was serving us, our cook is Carl.

    People around the diner looked at us like we were a bunch of crazed idiots but we didn't care, we were having to much fun to care.

    "Children settle down." Laura laughing. Victoria stopped her movement, mid chicken tender in her mouth. Her eyes widened and she looked behind us.

   "Prom is in a half hour and we haven't left for the school yet. We need to go now!" She exclaimed dropping her chicken tender. Poor tendy.

    I had gotten boxes for us all and we all quickly packed up our food. I gave Jim the money and we all rushed off to the limo.

    When we arrived at the place where prom was being held it was packed to the brim with cars and limos. So many people were taking pictures with their friends around the lawn while others were making their way inside.

     We all stepped out of our limo and looked around. The thought of the amount of people are here made me anxious. I never liked being around a lot of people.

    Jacob's arm snaked around my waist and he squeezed my hip slightly, almost saying that I'm okay. I smiled up at him, he kept a blank look but tried to give me a small smile.

    He led us ahead of the group and towards the doors. We were stopped by a camera man saying that he would take our picture. Jacob kept his hand around my waist as I smiled. As we walked away I looked up to see that Jacob had kept a straight face, sad.

    We walked into the room where the music was blaring. Students littered the dance floor dancing with their date. The smell of sweat and body odor filled the air. My nose scrunched slightly at the smell.

    Jacob led us further into the room and lead us to a table. Our group all sat down with smiles. Just based on the look of my best friends I could tell it's going to be a long night.


    Gosh my feet hurt. The girls instantly pulled me out onto the dance floor while our dates sat back at the table. We just danced around like compete idiots. Bad choice to wear heals.

    "Girl I think someone spiked the punch." Laura said setting her glass of punch back onto the table. We laughed slightly as we walked away from the table. We all made our way back to our dates who all sat around the table we left them deep in conversation.

    "Austin come dance with me!" Victoria said grabbing his hand. His eyes widened but he nodded following behind the red headed girl. Laura was next to grab Mike's hand to pull him to dance. He complained the whole way there but eventually she got him to dance. Ben just gave one look at his man and they were out dancing.

    "Will you dance with me?" I asked Jacob walking over to him.

    "I don't dance." He said flatly. A frown made its way onto my face. He just kept his face blank. With a sigh I turned around and walked out onto the dance floor by myself.

    I noticed a boy sitting in the corner by himself with his head down. He had big black glasses with tape around the middle. He had slicked back blonde hair. He had on a lime green bow tie with white dots on it. He looked like he didn't want to be here at all.

    "Do you want to dance?" I asked him when I got over to him. He looked up at me with wide eyes. The kid doesn't seem familiar. I reached my hand out to him and he cautiously took it.

    I led him out onto the dance floor as we began dancing to the song that had come on. A slow dance song just happened to come on. I wrapped my arms around the kids neck and he didn't look like he knew what to do. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my waist. We then began to sway slowly to the music.

    "Why where you sitting over there by yourself?" I questioned the kid.

   "W-Well my girlfriend that is a senior brought me, but I found her kissing another guy in the hall." He stuttered slightly. My heart aches for the poor kid.

    "Do you go to our school?" I asked him. He shook his head.

   "I go to neighboring town. I am only a sophomore." He whispered. Dang, a senior bringing a sophomore. Based on how he looks my guess is that the girl asked him as a joke. Poor kid.

    After the song finished I dropped my hands and stepped away. The boy blushed and looked at me with a smile.

   "Thank you. That made this night a little better." He muttered before scrambling away. I smiled at his retreating figure before I turned around. I instantly looked eyes with the an angry Jacob. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to him.

    "Why were you dancing with another guy? Are you trying to get him killed." He basically growled out. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms.

   "The poor kid is only a sophomore. His senior girlfriend brought him here and then he caught her kissing someone else. He needed some cheering up. Also it's not like anyone else was going to dance with me." I stated. His angry gaze softened sightly but barely.

    I huffed and walked away from Jacob again. The song 'Perfect' by Ed Sheeran started playing. Great another slow dance song.

   I didn't make it far into the crowd when a hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me into a hard chest. I looked up to see Jacob looking down at me with an unreadable expression.

    "Like hell im going to let you dance with another guy." He said wrapping his arms around my waist. I smiled up at him and wrapped my arms around his neck, resting my head on his shoulder.

     I hummed the song as we swayed to the music. He eventually leaned his head down on my and just rested it there as we swayed.

Darling you look, perfect tonight

"Fucking perfect." He said said as the song ended. He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and a smile made its way onto my lips.

   I was going to pull back but he growled slightly and pulled me back. We stayed swaying to different songs. Slow dancing to up beat songs and slow dancing to slow dance songs. It was amazing.

   Halfway through the girls ran up with their phones in their hands.

    "Lights, Camera, Action!" They yelled and began recording us dance. I hid my face in Jacob's chest which made a slight chuckle leave his lips. God that sound is heavenly.


    Prom had just ended. Student left the building but a few remained and still danced. The actual time that prom ended was a little while ago but the venue said we could stay a little longer while they figure out some problem with one of the doors.

    The girls, Ben, and I stood in a circle just kinda jumping up and down to the beat of the music. The boys just stood behind us and watched with curious eyes.

     We all laughed and went with our dates again. Jacob and I danced around the almost empty room. My smile never left my face. We danced over to a more secluded area where no one else was.

    "I love you so much Charlie." Jacob said smiling slightly down at me.

    "And I love you so much more." I said leaning up and giving him a quick kiss. He smirked down at me as we began dancing again.


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