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Charlie's POV
    Tick... tock.... tick.... tock.... time is ticking away.... tick.... tock.... tick... tock

Jacob's POV

    Keeping to my promise, I showed up to Mack's diner at 11. I walked in and saw how the cooks face lit up for second before it dropped. There wasn't a single sight of Charlie anywhere.

"Hey, have you seen Charlie?" I asked walking up to the cook. His eyes widened slightly.

"No. She never showed up for work. I was hoping you had saw her." My heart dropped. I turned around and ran out of the restaurant. I looked around before I noticed a small article of clothing that was all to familiar. Charlie's jacket laid at the opening to the alley where I had met her for the first time.

    I had ran towards the alley and looked down. It was almost pitch black but I could see a slight figure laying on the ground. I ran towards the figure to see Charlie beat the the pulp. She was black and blue everywhere. I instantly dropped to my knees and checked for more internal injuries.

    I felt around her ribs and cringes as I could feel a few broken. I know what your thinking, how could I know what a broken rib feels like? Well my answer to that is, stay the fuck out of my business.

    I picked Charlie up gentle and walked towards my car. As much as I would just love to sit and hold her forever she needs to go to the hospital. I don't know if she has any internal bleeding and that needs to be checked out.

   I drove to the familiar hospital where both Charlie's mom and my sister stayed. Although I didn't have time to go see her. I picked Charlie up and rushed her into the emergency room.

    "Some help me. She was beaten near to death and I don't know if she has any internal damages." I said running frantic around the room. Nurses ran out with a stretcher and instantly put my Charlie on it. I tried following them but they had said I had to stay in the waiting room.

    It was driving me fucking insane that she was in there and I couldn't be there with her. She would wake up and she could be sacred. She could be scared and I wouldn't be there to hold her hand and tell her everything was going to be okay.

   God damnit, I'm whipped.

  ~1 hour later~

     After an hour of waiting in that horrid waiting room a man in dark blue scrubs walked out. He walked towards me with a sad smile.

   "Hello sir, I am your girlfriends doctor. My name is doctor Barrett. We have to take Charlotte up to surgery to fix some of the ribs that had been broken. We will keep you updated as the surgery goes on. It should be a six hour long surgery." The doctor said nodding at me before turning around and walking towards the room he came in.

   After sitting in the sitting room for 20 minutes debating on who I should fucking kill for doing this to her I finally decided there was something that I had to do.

   I got out of my chair and walked towards the elevator. I got inside and pressed the button to the cancer floor. Based on pure memory I walked towards the room.

    When I arrived the door was shut. I have a slight knock and the door opened revealing a female nurse. She looked up at me with a raised eyebrow.

   "May I help you?" The nurse questioned.

   "Is she in? I need to speak with her. This is important." I persisted. The nurse looked between me and behind her before stepping back and opening the door for me.

    "Oh boy! It's the handsome man my beautiful daughter brought to me that one day!"

    "Hello Mrs Mack. I need to tell you something that I think you should know." I said taking a seat on the chair next to her. She made a hand motion showing me to continue.

    "Charlie... she's... she's up in surgery right now." I said slowly. It was like I had drained the life out of the woman in front of me. All of her color drained from her face and the smile she always had on her face was long gone.

    "What happened to my dear child this time. Did she get into a fight away. Or did her father come home and hit her again. He used to love doing that on Saturdays." Mrs Mack said revealing things about Charlie that I had yet to know. My jaw tended at the thought of someone even laying a hand on her.

   "Not that I know of. She was supposed to be at work when I picked her up but she wasn't there. I found her beaten half to death in a small alley. I instantly took her here." She nodded looking slightly relieved that I cleared up on what I know happened.

    "Thank you for telling me about my daughter Jacob." I nodded at her. I stood up and made my way towards the door but Mrs Mack's small voice had stopped me.

    "Hey Jacob!" She called, which made me turn and look at her.

     "Stay with her please. She hates hospitals because it reminds her of death and my sickness. She will be scared. Please treat my daughter well and keep me updated on her." I nodded at her.

    "I didn't plan on leaving her side." I said before I left and began my walk towards the main waiting room, where I will wait and wait until my Charlie is back in my arms and safe.

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