*I'd Do It Again Without Thinking Twice *

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Charlie's POV

By the time I finally closed up I had gathered $30 is tips. It was one of the better days to be working. I got home and instantly jumped into my bed. I am beyond glad to be back home after such a long day. I was glad when sleep decided to consume me.

I woke up to the noise of a knock at my door. I groaned and sat up. I looked over at my clock to notice it was about 2:30 in the morning.

What the heck is someone even doing here at this ungodly hour. I swear I am going to hurt the person who is on the other side of that door for waking me up.

I walked out of my room and downstairs and to the front door. I flung it open and surprised was a huge word for what I saw on the other side.

Standing there was Jacob but he had blood all over him. It was running up and down his arms and chest. My eyes instantly widened.

"Is this your blood!" I almost screamed out at him. He shook his head no and looked up at me. His eyes were hooded but an emotion tried to show through. Fear. Fear of what though?

"Whose is it?" I asked cautiously.

"Callie is dead." He said with no emotion.

"Who's Callie?" I asked. He looked up at me with a blank expression.

"The girl with me at the diner. The one who was a complete bitch to you. I killed her and I enjoyed every second of it." He said darkly but a small smirk played on his lips. My breath was knocked out of me.

"Why did you?" I asked quietly.

"After what she said about you when you were away I was beyond mad. A type of mad that I have never felt before. I wanted blood." He said locking his eyes with mine. His eyes were dark, murderous, but oddly I felt safe. Like he wasn't going to hurt me.

   "You cant just kill someone because they were mean towards me. You shouldn't be killing people at all. Are you insane?" I ranted. He just watched me with a calculating gaze. When I heard no noise from him I sighed. 

I motioned for him to follow me as I led him up the stairs. I led him into my bathroom and pointed to the shower.

"I will wash your clothes. I'll give you some of my brothers while they are in the wash. Just drop them outside the door." I said quietly before walking out the door. I paused outside of my door and ran a hand through my hair. I really just let a murderer into my house willingly. With a final sigh I walked across the hall and into my older brothers room. 

I don't talk about my older brother much either. He went away to college when I was 13 and hasn't talked to us since he found out mom had cancer. He reached out for about a week then hasn't since. This was 3 years ago.

He never comes home and if he does it's when i'm not home. Him and I used to be close but that all changed when he left. He left when things started to get hard when dad left.

I sighed and grabbed out a pair of sweats and an old hoodie. I walked across the hall and back into my room. I could hear the water from the shower hitting the bottom of the tub.

Jacobs bloody hoodie and black jeans sat on the ground by the door. I grabbed his clothes and replaced them with my brothers.

I walked out of the room and threw them in the washer. I doubt the blood would come out of the hoodie but it will at least be clean.

By the time that I was done with that Jacob was in my room sitting on my bed looking at the door, like he was waiting for me to walk in. He was in my brothers clothes and honestly they looked pretty good on him.

He opened his arms slightly asking for a hug but I smiled and tackled him onto the bed hugging him. I heard a slight chuckle come from him before his arms wrapped around me as he pulled me close. 

   What am I even doing? I am hugging a guy that just on my knowledge alone has killed two people. Yet here I am, wrapped up tightly in his arms. 

He re-positioned us so I was laying on the bed and he was laying on top of me. He used my boobs as a pillow and wrapped his arms around my waist. My hands instantly shot to his hair. I ran my hands through it slowly before getting a pleasing groan from him.

"You know, I haven't slept in what feels like years." He said looking up at me through his lashes. My mouth fell open slightly.

"How could you not! Sleep is the best. I recommend." He rolled his eyes before closing them slightly.

"I would do it again you know." He said after a few moments of silence.

"Do what?" I asked still running my hands through his hair.

"Kill someone for hurting you. I'd do it again without thinking twice. Their life would no longer matter to me." He said as if it were nothing.

"Please don't do something like that again. Promise me you wont." I said quietly.

"I can't promise that." He said closing his eyes once again. I nodded to myself, continuing to run my hands through his hair.

    "Even though you can't promise, at least try." I spoke sternly. He peeked one eye open and looked me. His expression stayed serious. He simply gave me a stiff nod before closing that one eye once again. 

Eventually his breath evened out and soft snores came from his slightly parted lips. He said he doesn't sleep yet he fell asleep so fast in my arms.

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