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Charlie's POV

I sat on the side of Hannah's bed while she lay sound asleep. Jacob left the room to use the bathroom and I decided that I would stay with her while he was gone.

I was still very confused on what is wrong with her. She is on the pediatric side of the cancer floor so she must have some form of cancer. Although she shows zero symptoms that my mom had shown when she got cancer. She also stays here all the time so it must be something serious.

My thoughts were interrupted by Jacob walking back into the room. My gaze left the sleeping girl and locked eyes with him. He motioned for me to follow him with his head. I stood up and followed him silently out of the room.

"Hannah is diagnosed with stage 2 lung cancer. She was diagnosed three years ago when it was only stage 1. It had went away with chemo but it had come back early this year. They will be starting chemo again in a few days." Jacob said as we walked down the quiet halls of the hospital. I didn't say a word and I just let him talk.

"I have worked my ass off to keep her safe and unknown from anyone. No one besides Austin and Victoria, well now you too, know about her. I have many enemies and they would do anything to get their hands on her." He said stopping me and looking over at me. His eyes were hooded but he looked vulnerable.

"I wont tell anyone about her if that is what you are worried about." I said softly. He gulped and slowly nodded. He leaned down and put his forehead on mine. Our breaths mingled as we stared at each other.

"I know you wont." He said before kissing me softly.

~Later that day~

I got out of my car and stared ahead at my house that just doesn't seem as happy anymore. The flowers that i had tried to grow had died months ago and all that is left are dead stems. The paint on the old wooden deck is chipping away as the days pass. The whole house just seems gloomy.

I sighed and shut my car door and walked towards the house. After Jacob walked us back to Hannah's room I decided it was time for me to head home. I said my goodbyes to the adorable little girl before going and saying goodbye to my mom. I always hate leaving here there.

Opening the front door something just seemed off. My eyes scanned over my surroundings but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. I must just be playing with my own mind. I sat my keys down on the table before looking up at the mirror that hung above it.

I looked at myself before my eyes focused on something, or someone behind me. A black figure stood there holding a camera. His face was covered by a mask and he stood as still as possible. My eyes widened in fear and I turned around quickly. I could tell the figure had noticed I was standing there.

In a quick movement I sprinted towards the bathroom that was just down the hall. As I slammed the door I could hear his footsteps run towards the door. I quickly locked and leaned down against it and began sobbing. His hands repeatably beat against the door making it shake.

I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone. I could barely see through my tears but I went to the all to familiar contact. The phone rang for a few seconds before his voice rang through the speaker.

"Hello?" He said. The figure banged against the door more as he heard the phone. I was to scared to even speak.

"Charlie what is that banging noise?" Jacob said sounding slightly worried. The figure slammed his hand against the door again but harder making me scream out and cry.

"I'm on my way." Was all I heard before the line was cut. There was one last bang before the footsteps retreated down the hallway. I sobbed as I heard the front door slam. I laid my head down on the cold tile of my bathroom and sobbed.

I didn't even notice arrived until my bathroom door was kicked open. He looked down at me but I could barely see him due to the amount of tears that were in my eyes. Anger instantly flashed in his eyes but I know it wasn't faced towards me.

"What happened." He said crouching down next to me. I just grabbed onto him and sobbed harder into his shoulder. He hugged my sobbing self closer to him and kissed my forehead.

"Someone was in the house." I sobbed out. His hold on me tightened. After a while of him holding me he picked me up and brought me outside. I sat in his arms in my own little world for what felt like forever. By the time i was brought back to reality cops littered my lawn. I was still in Jacob's arms as he was talking to the officer.

After a while of Jacob talking to the officer he looked down at me. I tilted my head up at him and looked at him with sad eyes. He nodded at the officer before bringing me to his car. He sat me down in the passengers seat before he reached over and buckled my seat. He shut the door before walking over to the drivers side.

The ride was completely silent. We drove for about 10 minutes before we pulled up to a huge black gate. Jacob rolled down his window and punched in a few numbers which triggered the gate to open. He rolled his window up before driving up the long driveway.

At the end of the road sat a huge house. Well I shouldn't say house its more of a mansion. The mansion was made of bricks but like it had a modern hint to it. If I were in a better mood I would have observed more.

Jacob parked and got out the car before quickly making his way over to my side. He opened my door before leaning over me and took of my seat belt. He lifted me up and instantly pulled me to him and pushed my head down onto his shoulder. He walked into the large mansion and grabbed his phone out of his pocket.

I heard mumbles but I was to out of it to even understand what was being said. I was carried into the house and Jacob took a sharp turn leading us to some stairs. He went up the stairs for as long as they could go, which was really a long time, before walking down a long wide hallway. Paintings littered the walls.

He opened a big black door revealing a new room. This room was dark and gloomy. The bed spread was black along with almost everything else in the room. It was literally spotless. Jacob walked over and laid me gently on the bed that sat in the middle of the room. He leaned down and kissed my forehead before turning started to walk. Before he got that far I reached out and grabbed his hand.

"Don't go." I said. My voice decided to be mean to me and break when I said go. He nodded slowly and began taking his shoes off. Once they were off he climbed on the bed next to me, i almost instantly laid down on his chest. His arms caged around me in a tight, safe like grip.

"No one will ever hurt you again." He said before kissing my forehead. I nodded slowly and drifted off into a deep sleep.

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